What is the purpose of this site?
- To provide a listing of movie titles with pics, sound clips, and quotes from each to help you remember what they are about.
Why would I wanna even do that?
- Because every time I go to buy/rent a movie at the store, I can't remember what I wanted. And so I started a list of titles that I would like to eventually buy.
A lot of good ones are not on the list. Why?
- There are thousands of titles. This list is devotedly kept in check. I only put on the very special ones.
How do you get "on the List"? The qualifications are sometimes as follows:
It never gets old. I laugh every time I watch it. And I love that scene!
Society has excepted it. Look at Scarface, people love it. That's one of my most popular viewed quote pages.
This flick oozes superb acting! Maybe Good Will Hunting, Tombstone, or Men of Honor. "Goddammit Cookie I want my TWELVE!" - Billy Sunday
We grew up with certain ones. Its part of are childhood. Friday the 13th...I could watch Jason chop that girl's head off again.
It's just cool to see total mayhem. They don't have dismembering bodycounts and rabidly dropping of the F-Bomb like they used too. Robocop can take care of that.
Suggestions are much welcome. I put them on a list and review each one that people have posted.
Why are there not many pics?
- Older ones are extremely hard to find. I have searched hours on many occasions just to find a few. But when I get better DVD software and acquire screen shots from my PC, until then looks like I'm using Google.
And finally this site is mostly for the Movie Buffs. Everyone loves reading the quotes, listening to sound bites, and checking out the pics.
I get .wavs whenever I can. But this is not a .Wav site. There are thousands of those. I try to provide just a few from each title.
Just to help you remember what that movie is about. I will get a particular sound bite for you if I feel it is a good one.
Site Owner/Webmaster - Thanks!
If you have any questions or complaints E-Mail me at .