Quotes from
Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Daryl Coopersmith: You gotta be shittin' me
Chris: Watch your mouth.
Daryl Coopersmith: Watch my mouth? You gotta to be shittin' me!

College Girl: I'm so lonely!
Daryl: How could a righteous babe like you be lonely?
College Girl: That's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me! Wanna go to bed?

Chris Parker: Nobody panic. This is all just a big mistake.
Sarah: What about Brenda?
Brad: That was her parents' mistake.

Brad: Daryl, why are you hugging me?
Daryl: Brad don't you ever die on me! Ever!
Brad: O.K. I won't.

Chris Parker: Could you just drop us off at a mall or something?
Joe Gipp: A mall? Where do you think we are Boise, Idaho?

Albert Collins: Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues.

Gang Leader: Don't fuck with the Lords of Hell.
Chris Parker: Don't fuck with the babysitter.

Brad Anderson: Where we gonna get 50 bucks?
Sara Anderson: We could sell Daryl. Ya' think?

Dr. Nuhkbane: There you are, one stitch.
Brad Anderson: One stitch?
Dr. Nuhkbane: Yes, one stitch.
Brad Anderson: My only shot at ever being in a gang fight and all I get is one stitch? Chris is gonna think I'm a total failure!

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