Other Quotes:
Alien 3

Quotes from
Alien: Resurrection (1997)

Betty Captain Elgyn: She is severely fuckable, isn't she?

Betty Mechanic Annalee Call: You're a thing, a construct. They grew you in a fucking lab.

Betty Crewman Johner: Right, you're the "new model" droid. You can access the mainframe by remote.
Betty Mechanic Annalee Call: No, I can't. I burned my modem. We all did.

Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: Why do you care about them?
Betty Mechanic Annalee Call: Because I'm programmed to.
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: You're programmed to be an asshole? You're the "new model" asshole they're putting out?

Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: Who do I have to fuck to get off this boat?
Betty Crewman Johner: I can get you off. Maybe not the boat.

Betty Crewman Johner: Don't push me, little Call. If you hang with us for a while, you'll find out I am not the man with whom to fuck!

Betty Crewman Johner: Earth, man. What a shithole.

Betty Crewman Johner: Hey, Vriess, you got a socket wrench? Maybe she just needs an oil change. Can't believe I almost fucked it.
Betty Chief Mechanic Vriess: Yeah, like you never fucked a robot.

Purvis: God, I am so tired.
Betty Crewman Johner: Sleep when you die, man.

Betty Mechanic Annalee Call: Jesus Christ, Johner, what do you put in this shit, battery acid?
Betty Crewman Johner: Just for color.

Betty Crewman Johner: So, I hear you, like, ran into these things before?
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: Yeah.
Betty Crewman Johner: What did you do?
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: I died.

Purvis: What's inside me?
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, and they sold your cryotube to this... human, and he put an alien inside of you. It's a really nasty one. And in a few hours, it's gonna burst its way through your rib cage, and you're gonna die. Any questions?
Purvis: Who are you?
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: I'm the monster's mother.

Distephano: I thought you were dead!
Lieutenant Ellen L. Ripley Clone #8: Yeah, I get that a lot.

Betty Captain Elgyn: My authorization code is E-A, T-M, E.

Betty Crewman Johner: What a waste of ammo. Must be a chick thing.

Betty Crewman Johner: I'm not a mechanic, Mr. Ironsides! Mostly I just hurt people!

Dr. Wren: I think you'll find that things have changed a great deal since your time.
Ripley: Oh, I doubt that.

Betty Mechanic Annalee Call: If these things get loose, it's gonna make the LeCerta Plague look like a fucking square dance!

General Perez: Ellen Ripley died trying to wipe this species out. For all intents and purposes, she succeeded!

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