Lewis: You take that chubby boy with you today. Ed: He's rather well thought of in his field, Lewis. Lewis: Insurance? I never been insured in my life. There's no risk. Ed: Look, what is it that you require of us? Mountain Man: What we, uh, "re-quire" is that you get your god-damn asses up in them woods. Bobby: Mister, I love the way you wear that hat. Old man: You don't know nothin'. Lewis: We killed a man, Drew. Shot him in the back. A mountain man. A cracker. Lewis: Is your name Griner? First Griner: Whadda you wanna know for? Lewis: I was wondering if you and your brother could take a couple of trucks down to Aintry for us. We'll be there about Sunday noon. First Griner: Take 'em down there for what? Lewis: Me and my buddy here are taking a canoe trip down the Kahoolawasee. First Griner: What the hell you wanna go mess around that river for? Lewis: Because it's there. First Griner: It's there alright and you get in it and can't git out, you gonna wish it wasn't. Ed: -lowly- Maybe we should just go home and play golf this weekend. Lewis: I'll give you thirty bucks to take those vehicles down to Aintry for us. First Griner: I'll take fifty. Lewis: Fifty my ass. Ed: -whispering- Lewis, don't play games with these people. First Griner: -stepping forward- What did you say? Lewis: I said fifty my ass. Ed: -whispering- Lewis! First Griner: I'll do it fer forty. Lewis: O.k. Lewis: -to Ed- You good for ten? Ed: Yep. First Griner: -shouting towards the house- Brando. Lewis: Sometimes you have to lose yourself 'fore you can find anything. Mountain Man: Now let's you just drop them pants. Lewis: Do know what's gonna be here? Right here? A lake. As far as the eyes can see. Hundreds of feet deep. HUNDREDS of feet deep. Did you ever look out over a lake and think of somethin' buried underneath it? Buried underneath it. Well man, that's just about as buried as you can get.
[Lewis and Ed take a wrong turn looking for the river] First Griner: Where you goin' city boy? Lewis: We'll find it. We'll find it. Second Griner: It ain't nothin' but the biggest fuckin' river in the state. Lewis: Now you listen, Ed. Damn it, we can get out of this thing, without any questions asked. We get connected up with that body, and the law, this thing's gonna be hangin' over us the rest of our lives. We've gotta bury that guy. Drew: Just how're you gonna do that, Lewis? Where? Lewis: Anywhere. Everywhere. Nowhere. Drew: I'm a-goin' with you, Ed, and not with Mister Lewis Medlock, 'cause I done seen how he drives these country roads he don't know nothin' 'bout. Lewis: Why do you go on these trips with me, Ed? Bobby: Hey, what happens if we flip this thing over? Lewis: Now that you brought that up, hang onto your paddle. And if you hit any rocks, don't hit 'em with your head. Bobby: I had my first wet dream in a sleepin' bag. Ed: How was it? Bobby: Great.
[pause] Bobby: There's no repeatin' it. Sherrif Bullard: Don't ever do nothin' like this again. Don't come back up here. Bobby: You don't have to worry about that, Sheriff. Bobby: Talk about genetic deficiencies-isn't that pitiful? Drew: Goddamn, you play a mean banjo. Mountain Man: I'm gonna make you squeal like a pig. Weeeeeeee. Mountain Man: What do you want to do now? Toothless Man: [grinning] He's got a real pretty mouth on him, don't he? Doctor: Explain this to me again. I didn't know somebody could shoot themself with their own arrow. Taxi Driver: This is the best thing that ever happened to this town. We might have to wait a minute until the church gets outta the way. Mountain Man: You ever had your balls cut off you fucking ape? Mountain Man: Looks like we got us a sow here instead of a boar.