Phoenix: Spartan? John Spartan? Oh shit! They let anybody into this century.
John Spartan: Send a maniac to catch a maniac. John Spartan: You're going to regret this for the rest of your life. Both seconds of it! Edgar Friendly: I want fat, I want cholesterol! I wanna eat butter and bacon and BUCKETS of cheese! Lenina Huxley: Would you like to have sex? John Spartan: With you?
[Lenina nods] John Spartan: Oh, yeah.
[After futuristic, contact-free "sex."] John Spartan: I was thinkin' we could do it the old-fashioned way. Lenina Huxley: You mean... *fluid transfer*? Simon Phoenix: I've been dreaming about killing you for 30 years! John Spartan: Well keep dreaming! Lenina Huxley: [stamping her foot] John Spartan, I wish for you to leave my domicile immediately! Lenina Huxely: Let's go blow this guy. John Spartan: Away! Let's go blow this guy _away_! Simon Phoenix: This is the future. Where the phaser guns? Dr. Cocteau: Be well, John Spartan. John Spartan: Be fucked! John Spartan: Hey Luke Skywalker, use the force. Simon Phoenix: I'm sorry to say that the world has turned into a pussy-whipped, Brady Bunch version of itself, run by a bunch of robed sissies. Lenina Huxley: Look's like there's a new shepherd in town. Lenina Huxley: Chief, why don't you take this job and shovel it! Lenina Huxley: Not bad for a seventy-four year old. Simon Phoenix knows he has some competion. He's finally matched his meat. You really licked his ass. Museum Curator: Mellow greetings, sir. What's your boggle? Lenina Huxley: Transfer of bodily fluids? Do you know what that leads to? John Spartan: Yeah, I do! Smoking, kids, a desire to raid the fridge. Lenina Huxley: I find this lack of stimulus to be truly disappointing, don't you think? Warden Smithers: I try not to. However, you're young. Think all you want. Lenina Huxley: [sotto voce] Sanctimonious asshole. Machine on wall: Lenina Huxley, you are fined one-half credit for a sotto voce violation of the Verbal Morality Statute. Simon Phoenix: Simon says, "Die." Simon Phoenix: Simon says, "Bleed." Man in info booth: I don't know... lately I just don't feel like there's anything special about me. Booth: You are an incredibly sensitive man, who inspires joy-joy feelings in all those around you. Officer: We're police officers! We're not trained to handle this kind of violence!