Annie: The first passage will allow the demon to manifest itself in the flesh. Ash: Why the hell would we want to do that? Ash: You're goin' down. Chainsaw. Ash: [talking to mirror] I'm fine... I'm fine...
[Mirror Ash jumps out of the mirror and grabs Ash] Mirror Ash: I don't think so. We just cut up our girlfriend with a chainsaw. Does that sound "fine"?
[Upon gaining the chain saw in place of his lost right hand] Ash: Groovy. Possessed Henrietta: I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul!
[Ash points his shotgun at the Demon's head] Ash: Swallow this. Henrietta: Someone's in my fruit cellar! Someone with a fresh soooul!
[Ash's Hand gains a life of it's own] Ash: Gimme back my hand... GIMME BACK MY HAND!
[Ash grabs a chainsaw] Ash: That's right... who's laughing now... who's laughing *now*? Ash: Then let's head on down into that cellar and carve ourselves a witch.
[ADR'd dialogue to explain next plot point] Ash: Workshed! Ash: Hey, what do you say we have some champagne, huh, baby? Linda: Sure. Ash: After all, I'm a man and you're a woman... at least last time I checked. Huh huh. Ash: [being sucked in a vortex] For God's sake! How do you stop it? Bobbie Joe: I hope you rot down there!