Quotes from
Stargate (1994)

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: Give my regards to King Tut, asshole.

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: I'm here in case you succeed.

Lt. General W.O. West: So you think you've solved in fourteen days what they couldn't solve in two years?

Colonel Jonathan "Jack" O'Neil: I wouldn't feed that thing.
Dr. Daniel Jackson: It's got a harness, it's domesticated
[Taps Mastadge on shoulder. Mastadge is frightened and runs off dragging Dr. Daniel Jackson across the Desert]

Dr. Daniel Jackson: I smell like a yak!

[Correcting the translation from the Stargate]
Dr. Daniel Jackson: It's not "Door to Heaven"..."his...
Dr. Daniel Jackson: Stargate".
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