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Hellraiser II
Hellraiser III

Quotes from
Hellraiser (1987)

Frank Cotton: Come here, damn you, I want to touch you.

Frank Cotton: I thought I'd gone to the limits. I hadn't. The Cenobites gave me an experience beyond limits... pain and pleasure, indivisible.

Kirsty Cotton: Who are you?
Pin Head: Explorers in the further regions of experience. Demons to some. Angels to others.

Pin Head: The box. You opened it. We came.

Pin Head: No tears, please. It's a waste of good suffering.

Pin Head: We have such sights to show you!

Kirsty Cotton: It's just a puzzle box!
Pin Head: Oh, no. It is a means to summon us.

Pin Head: We will tear your soul apart.

Pin Head: Now, it is time to play.

Frank Cotton: Jesus wept.

Pin Head: This is not for your eyes.

Frank Cotton: Come to Daddy.

Female Cenobite: We had to hear it from your own lips.

Kirsty Cotton: You can go to Hell!
Female Cenobite: We can't. Not alone.
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