Quotes from
Kids (1995)

Telly: Fucking is what I love. Take that away, I have nothing.

The Taxi Driver: You look like the prom queen. I dated the prom queen when I was your age. She was the first girl I stuck my tongue in.

Kid at the rave: Don't you know tricks are for kids?

Telly: But like, if you deflower a girl man, man, you're the man. No one can ever do that again. You're the only one. No one, no one, has the power to do that again.
Casper: Right. The way I see it. My outlook on the situation. It's like getting fame, you know what I'm saying? Say you was to die tomorrow right, fifty years from now all the virgins you ever fucked are gonna remember you. Right? They gonna tell their grandkids about that shit.

Jennie: What if you can't make yourself happy?
The Taxi Driver: Then I don't know. You know what you do then you forget, you block it out... If you want to be happy don't think... if you stutter don't talk.

Telly: Condoms don't work. They either break, or they slip off, or they make your dick shrink. Nah, but you still gotta use em, yo. At least I did once.

Telly: When you are young not much matters, when you find something you like that's all you got.

Telly: Virgins. I love 'em. No diseases, no loose as a goose pussy, no skank. No nothin. Just pure pleasure.

Kim: So this is your new girl, huh?
Telly: I hope so. For now.
Kim: You like 'em kinda young, right? Babies?
Telly: I like 'em new. Not like you.

[Singing, drunk in a bathtub]
Casper: I'm Casper, the friendly ghost. The DOPEST ghost in town. All the bitches love me 'cause I'm fuckin' CASPER. The DOPEST ghost around.

Telly: I think if we fuck, you would love it!

Casper: How did she smell? Did her puss stink?
Telly: Take a whiff.
[Telly holds up his fingers and Casper smells them]
Casper: Mmmmm. Butterscotch, yo. That's the best.

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