Other Quotes:
Revenge of The Nerds: Nerds in Paradise

Quotes from
Revenge of the Nerds (1984)

[Ogre over looking the campus and seeing two nerds]
Ogre: NERDS!!
[Gilbert and Louis start looking around]

Julia: A nerd saw me naked!

Gilbert: She's not that kind of girl, Booger.
Booger: Why? Does she have a penis?

Booger: This is bullshit - I want BUSH!

[spotting a naked girl on t.v.]
Booger: We got bush. We've got bush.
Takashi: Ohh, hair-pie.

Louis: Jocks only think about sports, nerds only think about sex.

Takashi: Excuse please, but why do they call you "booger"?
Booger: [picking his nose] I don't know.

Stan Gable: What are you looking at, nerd?
Booger: I thought I was looking at my mother's old douche-bag, but that's in Ohio.

Booger: What the fuck's a frush?

Stan Gable: Those nerds are a threat to our way of life!

Gilbert: No one will really be free until nerd persecution ends.

Judy: Maybe we should eat?
Harold Wormser: Maybe we should watch TV?
Booger: Hey guys...
[opens his leather jacket to reveal some Marijuana cigarettes]
Booger: ...wonder joints!

Takashi: Maybe we should have robster craws!
Booger: [strumming his guitar] What the fuck are robster craws?
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