Quotes from
Police Academy (1984)

[Hightower smashes into the bumper of another car]
Carey Mahoney: You didn't hit the brakes.
Moses Hightower: You didn't tell me to.

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: My name is Lieutenant Harris, in case you missed it. This is Sergeant Callahan, in case you missed it. We are the meanest instructors here. We've got you because you are the worst people here. From now on, you are "D" Squad; "D" for "dirtbags." When I say: "Hey, dirtbags." that means you. I'm going to make you hate me for the rest of your lives.

George Martin: To me, marriage is a sacred institution. So tell me, you and the wife do it doggie-style, or what?

Carey Mahoney: Sleeping is for fags.

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Son, where did you get that gun?
Cadet Eugene Tackleberry: [smiling proudly] My mum gave it to me.

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Remember Mahoney, nobody screws with me.
Carey Mahoney: Well, maybe you'll meet the right girl and all of that will change.

Lt. Thadeus Harris: You make me sick.
Cadet Carey Mahoney: Thank you, sir. I make everybody sick.

Cadet Eugene Tackleberry: Drop that stereo before I blow your goddamn nuts off, asshole.

Cmndt. Eric Lassard: What's wrong with this man?
Cadet Leslie Barbara: There was gunplay, sir, and he missed it.

Mrs. Fackler: You move this car another inch and you're finished, mister. You hear me?

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Hey! Why didn't you guys call me this weekend?
Cadet Kyle Blankes: Well, nothing really happened, sir.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: There was a party, wasn't there?
Cadet Kyle Blankes: Yes, sir.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Well, what went on?
Cadet Chad Copeland: Dancing, sir. Mostly dancing.
Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: [to himself] Dancing?

Lieutenant Thaddeus Harris: Move it! Move it! Move it!

Moses Hightower: I was a florist.
Carey Mahoney: A florist?
Moses Hightower: Yeah, you know, flowers and shit.

Cadet Chad Copeland: Sure are a lot of spades here.
[gazes at Cadet Hightower]
Cadet Chad Copeland: That's a good thing, of course.
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