Charlie Babbitt: Raymond, am I using you? Raymond Babbitt: Yeah. Charlie Babbitt: He is answering a question from a half hour ago!
Raymond Babbitt: I'm an excellent driver. [Location:telephone booth with door closed.] Raymond Babbitt: Uh-oh fart. Uh-oh fart. Charlie Babbitt: What? Raymond, did you just fart? Did you just fucking fart?! Raymond Babbitt: Uh-oh fart. Charlie Babbitt: [trying unsuccessfully to open door] Raymond, how can you stand that?! Raymond Babbitt: I don't mind it, really. Charlie Babbit: I'm gonna let ya' in on a little secret, Ray. K-Mart sucks. Raymond Babbitt: The maple syrup always goes on the table before the pancakes. Sally Dibbs: Good Morning! Coffee? Raymond Babbitt: [looks at her nametag] Sally Dibbs, Dibbs Sally. 461-0192. Sally Dibbs: How did you know my phone number? Charlie Babbitt: How did you know that? Raymond Babbitt: You said read the telephone book last night. Dibbs Sally. 461-0192. Charlie Babbitt: He, uh, remembers things. Little things sometimes. Sally Dibbs: Very clever boys. I'll be right back. Dr. Bruner: Do you feel more relaxed in your favorite K-mart clothes? Charlie Babbitt: Tell him, Ray. Raymond Babbitt: K-mart sucks. Dr. Bruner: I see. Charlie Babbitt: What you have to understand is, four days ago he was only my brother in name. And this morning we had pancakes. Raymond Babbitt: Of course you can't have pancakes without maple syrup. Charlie Babbitt: You bet your butt. Raymond Babbitt: Bet your butt. Charlie Babbitt: I'm gonna go take a celebration piss. Raymond Babbitt: Cincinnatti is a long way off. We're getting further away from K-Mart. Charlie Babbitt: You don't have to go to Cincinnatti to get a pair of underwear at K-Mart. Raymond Babbitt: Have to go to K-Mart, 400 Oak Street. Charlie Babbitt: What did I tell you, Ray? We're not going back to Cincinnatti and that's final. Raymond Babbitt: Gotta get my boxer shorts at K-Mart. Charlie Babbitt: WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE WHERE YOU BUY UNDERWEAR?! UNDERWEAR IS UNDERWEAR!! IT'S UNDERWEAR WHEREEVER YOU BUY IT!! IN CINCINNATTI OR WHEREVER!! Raymond Babbitt: K-Mart! Charlie Babbitt: You know what I think, Ray? I think this autisticism is a bunch of shit! Because you can't tell me that you're not in there somewhere! Raymond Babbitt: Boxer shorts. K-Mart! Charlie Babbitt: This man is my brother and if he doesn't get to watch People's Court in about 30 seconds, he's gonna throw a fit right here on your porch.