John Anderton: Mr. Marks, by mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin that was to take place today, April 22 at 0800 hours and four minutes. Agatha: Murder. John Anderton: No doubt the precogs have already seen this. Lamar Burgess: No doubt. John Anderton: You see the dilemma don't you. If you don't kill me, precogs were wrong and precrime is over. If you do kill me, you go away, but it proves the system works. The precogs were right. So, what are you going to do now? What's it worth? Just one more murder? You'll rot in hell with a halo, but people will still believe in precrime. All you have to do is kill me like they said you would. Except you know your own future, which means you can change it if you want to. You still have a choice Lamar. Like I did. Agatha: Is it now? Officer Fletcher: John, don't run. John Anderton: You don't have to chase me. Officer Fletcher: But you don't have to run. John Anderton: Everybody runs, Fletch. Everybody runs. Agatha: Dr. Hineman once said, "The dead don't die. They look on and help." Remember that, John. John Anderton: Agatha... Agatha: Sean... He's on the beach now, a toe in the water. He's asking you to come in with him. He's been racing his mother up and down the sand. There's so much love in this house. He's ten years old. He's surrounded by animals. He wants to be a vet. You keep a rabbit for him, a bird and a fox. He's in high school. He likes to run, like his father. He runs the two-mile and the long relay. He's 23. He's at a university. He makes love to a pretty girl named Claire. He asks her to be his wife. He calls here and tells Lara, who cries. He still runs. Across the university and in the stadium, where John watches. Oh God, he's running so fast, just like his daddy. He sees his daddy. He wants to run to him. But he's only six years old, and he can't do it. And the other men are so fast. There was so much love in this house. John Anderton: [sobbing] I want him back so bad. Agatha: So did she. Can't you see? She just wanted her little girl back. But it was too late. Her little girl was already gone. John Anderton: She's still alive. Agatha: She didn't die, but she's not alive. John Anderton: Agatha, just tell me, who killed your mother? Who killed Anne Lively? Agatha: [whispering] I'm sorry John, but you're gonna have to run again. John Anderton: What? Agatha: [screaming] RUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!
[while he's kicking Leo on the floor] John Anderton: Is he alive? He's alive. Where've you got him? Is he alright?
[shouting] John Anderton: Tell me, you fuck, where is he? John Anderton: He set me up. He set me up. John Anderton: They set me up. Director Burgess: Who's the victim? John Anderton: Somebody, Leo Crow Director Burgess: Who's Leo Crow? John Anderton: I have no idea. But I'm suppose to kill him in less than thirty-six hours. Director Burgess: You don't have to run John. John Anderton: You don't have to chase me. John Anderton: There hasn't been a murder in six years. The system, it is perfect. John Anderton: Why'd you catch that? Danny Witwer: Because it was going to fall. John Anderton: You're certain? Danny Witwer: Yeah. John Anderton: But it didn't fall. You caught it. The fact that you prevented it from happening doesnt change the fact that it was *going* to happen. John Anderton: I need your help. You contain information. I need to know how to get at it. John Anderton: I have to know. I have to find out what happened to my life. John Anderton: Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me what it is you're looking for? Danny Witwer: Flaws. John Anderton: There hasn't been a murder in six years. There's nothing wrong with this system it is... Danny Witwer: Perfect I agree, but there's a flaw. It's human. Agatha: Can you see? Director Burgess: [before shooting] Shh. Do you know what I hear? Nothing. No footsteps up the stairs, no hovercraft out the window, no clickety-click of little spiders. Do you know why I can't hear any of those things, Danny? Because right now, the precogs can't see a thing. Wally the Caretaker: I like you chief, you've always been nice to me. I'll give you two minutes before i hit the alarm. Gideon: Careful, Chief. Dig up the past, all you get is dirty. Agatha: Is this now? Gideon: [describing John Doe] Okey pokey, now this is one bad man. Lycon: [to John Anderton] In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Agatha: [to stranger in mall] He knows, don't go home. Agatha: [to John Anderton] You still have a choice.
[Hundreds of contained prisoners rise up around Anderton and Gideon] John Anderton: My God, I forgot there were so many. Gideon: And just think, they'd all be out there killing people if it wasn't for you. Look at how peaceful they all are. But on the inside...
[taps his head] Gideon: busy busy busy.
[Anderton gets wheeled into containment unit] Gideon: You're part of my flock now, John.
[Officer Fletcher, on a jet pack, lands in front of Anderton] John Anderton: Rough landing... have to work on that. Officer Fletcher: Yeah, it's this shit knee of mine. Dr. Iris Henimen: The precogs are never wrong. But sometimes they... disagree. John Anderton: [to Agatha] Everyday for the last six years I've thought of only two things. The first is what Sean would look like if he were alive today, if I would recognize him if I saw him on the street, the second is what I would do to the man who took him if I ever found him. You're right... I'm not being set up. Agatha: You have to take me home. John Anderton: No. You said so yourself. There is no minority report, I don't have an alternate future. I am going to kill this man. Dr. Solomon: Now, you understand I can't just give you new irises. Because if I do, the retinal scans will read the scar tissue, alarms will go off, and large men with guns will appear.
[the readings Agatha is giving run quickly on a makeshift screen] John Anderton: It's too fast. Slow it down. Rufus Riley: How do I slow this down, I should hit her on the head? Agatha: I'm sorry, John, but you're going to have to run again.
[Dr. Solomon is about to transplant new eyes into Anderton] John Anderton: I'd like to keep the old ones. Dr. Solomon: Why? John Anderton: Because my mother gave them to me. Dr. Solomon: [to bandaged John Anderton] Never scratch. John Anderton: I'm not being set up. I really am going to kill this man. Leo Crow: You're not going to kill me. John Anderton: Goodbye, Crow. John Anderton: Don't you ever say his name. Danny Witwer: Put the gun down John. I don't hear a red ball.
[Sirens begin going off, the same sirens that usually indicate a red ball] John Anderton: That's all, huh? Just walk right into Precrime, go into the Temple, somehow tap into the Precogs, and then download this Minority Report... Dr. Iris Henimen: If... you have one. John Anderton: and then walk out. Dr. Iris Henimen: Actually, I think you'll have to run out, but yes, that's what you have to do. Dr. Iris Henimen: Find the minority report. John Anderton: How do I even know which one has it? Dr. Iris Henimen: It's always the more gifted of the three. John Anderton: Which one is it? Dr. Iris Henimen: The female. Rufus Riley: [to Agatha] Are you reading my mind right now? John Anderton: Get up. Rufus Riley: [to Agatha] I'm sorry for whatever I'm going to do and I swear I didn't do any of that stuff I did.
[giving Anderton the antidote for a plant that has poisoned him] Dr. Iris Henimen: You'd better drink this. Soon you won't be able to swallow, and then you'll be totally buggered. John Anderton: You set your patients on fire. Dr. Solomon: I put 'em out. Agatha: You can choose...
[last lines] John Anderton: [voiceover] In 2054, the six-year Precrime experiment was abandoned. All prisoners were unconditionally pardoned and released, though police departments kept watch on many of them for years to come. Agatha and the twins were transferred to an undisclosed location, a place where they could find relief from their gifts. A place where they could live out their lives in peace.
[Lara enters the containment ward and puts a gun to Gideon's head] Lara Anderton: I'd like a word with my husband. Gideon: You're not authorized. How did you get in here?
[She shows him one of John's original, removed eyeballs]
[Howard is being arrested for the "future murder" of his wife] Howard Marks: I didn't do anything! I wasn't gonna do anything!