Quotes from
Bloodsport (1988)

Jackson: [About to kick a pad] Yeahhhhhhha..........Bayyyy ohhh yeahhhhhhh!!

Jackson: Time to separate the men from the boys.
Victor: Just be sure Chong Li doesn't separate your head from you body.

Chong Li: You break my record, now I break you, like I break your friend.

Chong Li: Very good. But brick not hit back!

Fighter: I heard you can get killed at the Kumite.
Jackson: Only if you fuck up.

Ray Jackson: Aren't you a little young for full-contact?
Frank Dux: Aren't you a little old for videogames?

Ray Jackson: I ain't your pal, dickface.

[Frank has just won his first fight in record time]
Jackson: His first fight in the kumite and he broke the fucking world record!

Hossein: You come upstairs with me for an interview.
Janice Kent: Like hell, let go of me.
Hossein: You want to say no?
Janice Kent: No, Hossein is an asshole.
Janice Kent: Do you want me to spell it out for you?
Frank Dux: [prevents Hossein from smacking Janice Kent] Leave the girl alone.
Hiro: He's the American shit head who makes tricks with bricks!
Ray Jackson: Guess the Kumite starts one day earlier this year, huh fellas?

Victor: I'm Lin. You Jackson? You look like a Jackson. That must make you Frank Ducks.
Frank Dux: No, it's DUX.
Victor: Oh, right, like put up your dukes.

Victor: What's the hold-up?
Official: He says Senzo Tanaka is his shidoshi.
Victor: What's the difference if Bruce Springsteen is his shidoshi?
Official: If Senzo Tanaks is his shidoshi, then show us the Dim Mak.
Ray Jackson: [turns to Frank] What the hell is a Dim Mack?
Official: Death touch.
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