Quotes from Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989)
Sybok: Shakari. Korrd: Kuitu. Caithlin Dar: Vortavor. St. John Talbot: Eden. Sybok: Sha Ka Ri... the source... Heaven... Eden... call it what yu will. The Klingons call it "Kuitu". For Romulans it's "Vortavor". The Andorian word is... is unpronouncable. "God": You doubt me? Kirk: I seek proof. McCoy: Jim, you don't ask the Almighty for His I.D. Kirk: What is this power you have to control the minds of my crew? Sybok: I don't control minds. I free them. Kirk: Damn it, Bones, you're a doctor. You know that pain and guilt can't be taken away with a wave of a magic wand. They're the things we carry with us, the things that make us who we are. If we lose them, we lose ourselves. I don't want my pain taken away. I need my pain. Spock: Perhaps "because it is there" is not sufficient reason for climbing a mountain. Kirk: I've always known I'll die alone. Spock: He reminds me of someone I knew in my youth Bones: Why, Spock, I didn't know you had one. Scotty: I know this ship like the back of my hand.
[walks into a bulkhead] Kirk: Excuse me... Excuse me... I just wanted to ask a question. What does God need with a starship?
[Around camp fire singing "Row Row Row your Boat"] Kirk: Come on. Spock... Why didn't you jump in? Spock: I was trying to comprehend the meaning of the words. McCoy: It's a song, you green-blooded... Vulcan. You sing it. The words aren't important. What's important is that you have a good time singing it. Spock: Oh, I am sorry Doctor. Were we having a good time? McCoy: God I liked him better before he died. Spock: Please Captain, not in front of the Klingons. Kirk: Hi, Bones. Mind if we drop in for dinner? J'Onn: Where did you get this power? Sybok: The power was within you. J'Onn: I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my heart. How can I repay you for this miracle? Spock: Join my quest. J'Onn: What is it you seek? Sybok: What you seek. What all men have sought since time began. Ultimate knowledge. Kirk: I ordered you to defend your ship! Spock: You ordered me to kill my brother. Kirk: The man may be a fellow Vulcan, but that doesn't mean... Spock: No, you do not understand. Sybok is also a son of Sarek. Kirk: You mean he's your BROTHER brother? Spock: [nods] Kirk: You made that up. Spock: I did not. Kirk: You did too. Sybok couldn't possibly be your brother because I happen to know for a fact you don't HAVE a brother. Spock: Technically, you are correct. I do not have a brother. Kirk: There, you see? See? Spock: I have a half-brother. Kirk: ...I gotta sit down. Spock: I've lost a brother. Kirk: I had lost a brother once. Would you like to hear how I got him back? McCoy: I thought you said men like us don't have families. Kirk: I was wrong. Kirk: Understand your situation Are unable to return to the planet. Stand by to execute emergency landing plan..."B." Chekov: [to Scotty] What's emergency landing plan "B?" Scotty: I don't have a clue. Kirk: [On Comm system] "B" as in Barricade. Scotty: He can't be serious. Scotty: [to Kirk about ship status] Ah. All I can say is they don't make them like they use to. Kirk: You told me you could get this ship operational in two weeks, I gave you three what happened? Scotty: I think you gave me too much time Captain. Kirk: Very well Mr Scott carry on. Scotty: Aye, Sir.
[Scolding a nearby engineer] Scotty: How many times do I have to tell you the right tools for the right job. McCoy: Hehe I don't think I've ever seen him happier. Kirk: You told me you could have this ship ready in two weeks, I gave you three, what happened? Scotty: I think you gave me too much time, Cap'n. Scotty: [Yelling at a junior engineer] How many times do I have to tell you? The right tools for the right job! Bones: [Door closes] I don't think I've ever seen him happier! McCoy: Jim... if you ask me, and you haven't, I think this is a terrible idea. We're bound to bump into the Klingons, and they don't exactly like you. Kirk: Feeling's mutual.
[Chief Engineer Scott making a log entry] Scotty: USS Enterprise shakedown cruise report. I think this 'new' ship was put together by monkeys. Oh, she's got a fine engine, but half the doors won't open, and guess whose job it is to make it right? Kirk: Damn it Spock, God damn it. Spock: Captain, what I have done__ Kirk: __What you have done is betray every one on the ship. Spock: Worse, I have betrayed you. I do not expect you to forgive me. Kirk: Forgive you? I ought to knock you on your God damn ass. Spock: If you think it would help? McCoy: You want me to hold him Jim? Sybok: Spock. It's me. It's Sybok. After all these years you've finally caught up with me. Don't you have anything to say to me? Spock: You are... under arrest. For seventeen violations of the Neutral Zone Treaty. Kirk: I miss my old chair. Spock: Captain. Kirk: Spock, we're on leave you can call me 'Jim'. Spock: Jim. Kirk: Yes, Spock? Spock: Life... is not a dream. Kirk: Go to sleep, Spock. Sybock: Your pain runs deep. J'Onn: What do you know of my pain? Sybock: Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing. Kirk: Spock, my top priority right now is to regain control of the ship. After that, you can debate Shakari until you're green in the face. Spock: This is a new brig, Captain. Completely escape-proof. To guarantee that, they used the most intelligent, most resourceful person they could find. He was unable to escape. Kirk: This person didn't happen to have pointed ears, and a propensity for getting his shipmates in trouble, did he? Spock: He did have pointed ears. Entity: My pain? Sybok: It runs deep. Share it with me. Dr McCoy: All that time in space, getting on each other's nerves. And what do we do when shore leave comes along? We spend it together. Other people have families. Kirk: Other people, Bones. Not us.
[Chekov and Sulu are lost in the woods of Yellowstone] Sulu: We've been caught in a blizzard.
[Chekov blows on the communicator, simulating wind noises] Chekov: And we can't see a thing. Request you direct us to the coordinates. Uhura: My scanners show clear skies and 70 degrees. Chekov: Sulu, the sun's come out. It's a miracle. Kirk: Spock? Spock: Yes, captain? Kirk: Be one with the horse. Spock: Yes, captain. Kirk: Go to bed, Spock. Good night, Bones. McCoy: Good night, Jim. Spock: Good night, doctor. McCoy: Good night, Spock. Spock: Good night, captain. Kirk: [to himself] ... I don't know... I just don't know... Kirk: [responds to a tapping within the wall] What's that noise? Spock: [tapping continues] I believe it is a primative form of communication known as morse Code. Kirk: You're right. I'm out of practice.
[tapping] Kirk: That's an "S". Spock: "T" Kirk: "A"..."N"..."D", end of word. McCoy: "Stand" Kirk: New word..."B"..."A"... Spock: "C"..."K" McCoy: "Back". "Stand back". All 3: "Stand back"?
[the wall explodes] Scotty: [on the other side of the wall] What are you standing around for? Do you not know a jailbreak when you see one? McCoy: I'll tell you one thing, Spock: You never cease to amaze me. Spock: Nor I, myself. Bones: [in response to Spock carrying Kirk while wearing jet-boots] You two go on ahead, I'll wait for the next car. Sybok: The people of your world once believed the world was flat. Columbus proved it was round. They said the sound barrier could never be broken!... It was broken. They said warp-speed could not be accomplished. Spock: General, I am in need your assistance. Korrd: MY assistance? Spock: You are his superior officer. Korrd: I am a foolish old man! Spock: Damn you sir! You *will* try! Scotty: Would you care for a wee bit of scotch whiskey? Scotty: [cursing, on his back trying to fix a computer console] Borgus Frat! "Let's see what she's got," said the captain! And then we found out, didn't we? Uhura: [walking in] I know you'll whip her into shape, Scotty, you always do. Scotty: [getting up] Uhura! I thought you were on leave! Uhura: And I thought we were supposed to be going together. Scotty: Oh, I can't leave her now when she needs me the most. Uhura: [stroking Scotty's cheek] I had a feeling you would say something like that, so I brought us...
[whipping up two packages] Uhura: dinner! Scotty: [grabbing a package] Oh Lassie! You're the most understanding woman I know! Starfleet Officer: [transmission on a malfunctioning computer] Red-Red-Red Alert! Red Alert! Red-Red-Red Alert! Scotty: I just fixed that damn thing! Turn it off, will you? Starfleet Officer: [computer fixed] Red alert. Red alert. This is a red alert. Enterprise acknowledge. Uhura: This is Enterprise, identify yourself. Starfleet Officer: Enterprise, this is Starfleet. We have a Priority 7 situation in the Neutral Zone. Uhura: Standby, Starfleet. Scotty, this is for real! Scotty: They can't be serious! The ship's in pieces and we've got less than a skeleton crew aboard! Uhura: Starfleet, are you aware of our current status? Starfleet Officer: Current status understood. Stand by to copy operational orders and recall key personel. Kirk: Engine room! Scotty: Scotty here. Kirk: We'll need all the power you can muster, mister. Scotty: Don't you worry, Captain. We'll beat those Klingon devils, even if I have to get out and push. Kirk: I hope it won't come to that, Mr. Scott.