Quotes from
Memphis Belle (1990)

Clay Busby: Sir, if they found out they'd put my hot dog in a bun and chow down.

Richard Rascal Moore: Yeah Luke, why go back to the daily grind of being a lifeguard? Take it easy!

Dennis Dearborn: And if we don't drop these bombs right in the pickle barrel there are going to be a lot of innocent people killed.
Luke Sinclair: What's the difference? They're all Nazis!

Luke Sinclair: Fuel gauge is shot. How long can we fly on one engine?
Dennis Dearborn: I don't know. I guess we'll find out.

[Rascal has just blown up a fighter]
Richard Rascal Moore: And your mother, too!

Richard Rascal Moore: Hey is that your new plane out there?
Rookie Radio Operator: Yeah, Mother and Country.
Richard Rascal Moore: Mother and Country?
[everyone together]
Richard Rascal Moore: Awwww!
Rookie Radio Operator: We had our first practice today.
Richard Rascal Moore: Oh yeah? How'd it go?
Rookie Radio Operator: Well, we need a couple more. If you guys have any advice...?
Sgt. Jack Bocci: Yeah, get a gun, shoot yourself in the foot, and go home!
Eugene McVey: Now, that's good advice!
Richard Rascal Moore: Hey, are those size eights? How about leaving a little will saying when you get your ass shot off on your first mission that those nice, shiny new pumps come to me, huh?

Richard Rascal Moore: Uh, we ain't going to Krautville. Our plane's broke.
Eugene McVey: No, it's fixed.
Richard Rascal Moore: Christ, let's go break it.

Lt. Val Kozlowski: You try that again, and I'll kill you!

Richard "Rascal" Moore: [on seeing flak damage] There's a hole as big as my dick in the left wing.

[Danny takes a picture of jack shaving]
Sgt. Jack Bocci: Awwwww No! I can see it, I get back home, I'm doin' it to the wife, the door breaks open and theres Danny takin' a picture!

Sgt. Virgil Hoogesteger: [the cockpit is covered in blood and the pilots are shouting] Sir!, It's Tomato Soup!
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