Student: [About Mikey's hair] Sir, it's moving! Teacher: It's not moving, it's just too long. Mike: It was short this morning. Teacher: Nonsense! What kind of a dodo do you take me for? Human hair grows only half an inch a month, no more. Mike: Not my hair, Sir. The Signor: [To a group of children he has kidnapped] Quiet! Or I'll pinch you in the neck! Principal: I found out that you've been kicked out of two schools, that you've faked famous paintings, and that you've changed your name and appearance four times. AND, you claim to be Rembrandt's great-great, great-great grandson. The Signor: I am a great teacher. I am a great artist. I am a great, great, Great, GREAT GRANDSON! Paris, Milano, Veroncia!