Other Quotes:
Children of The Corn

Quotes from
Children of the Corn II: The Final Sacrifice (1993)

Mrs. Burke: My husband walked into a corn field 15 years ago. He never came back.

Danny: Nice fucking driving.
John: Did your mother teach you to talk like that?
Danny: Only when your name came up.

Frank Redbear: What happened in Gatlin is those kids went ape-shit and killed everybody.

Frank Redbear: It means life out of balance. My ancestors would have told you that man should be at one with the earth, the skies, and water. But the white man has never understood this. He only knows how to take. And after a while, there's nothing left to take. So, everything's out of balance. And we all fall down.
John Garrett: Wait a minute...so that's what happened here in Gatlin?
Frank Redbear: No...what happened in Gatlin was, those kids went ape-shit and killed everyone.

[To Danny]
Micah: One day I caught my father, sinning vigourously, with the farmhand's wife.

Micah: For everything, there is a season.

John Garrett: Micah...did you see what happened?
Micah: Some of it.
John Garrett: Like what?
Micah: My parents.
John Garrett: You saw what happened to them?
Micah: I saw the corn.
John Garrett: What, were they out in the cornfield?
Micah: Their blood was for the corn.

Dr. Richard Appleby: You actually see a connection between a nosebleed and a house falling?
John Garrett: Yeah...they're both dead. That seems to happen a lot around here, did you notice that?
Dr. Richard Appleby: I don't appreciate your humor.

Micah: Do you really think it was all Isaac's doing, Jedediah? Do you?!? Who here thinks this? Were we not given signs? Was that not enough?
Jedediah: But they found them! And they found us! Jesus Christ, Micah, they were our parents.
Micah: They were adults! They were of that world and we have seen the way of that world, and it is evil.

Wayde McKenzie: Hey, ragman, how's it going? I love that piece you did on JFK and his secret marriage to Rock Hudson, that was some journalism.
John Garrett: Alright, alright. Anyways, what happened around here?
Wayde McKenzie: Well, a bunch of kids killed all the adults in town. Just your basic Sunday afternoon in the biblebelt.

Mary Simpson: There's something out there. Something that's evil. It's gotten ahold of our children.

Lacey: You little bastard.
Micah: (To Danny) First, cut out her tongue. Then, when her pitiful protestations are silenced, carve out her heart!
Angela: For God's sake, Danny!

Mrs. West: She warned you! She warned all of you! You blind fools...you fools! You let the wolf in your door, that's what you did! You stupid idiots!

Mrs. Burke: What a world.

John Garrett: (Startled) Who are you and what are you doing in here?
Frank Redbear: Now isn't that just like a white man? Assumes he has the right to be here an no one else does.
John Garrett: Okay, let's try it another way. What do you know about all this?
Frank Redbear: I know you're John Garrett, reporter for the World Enquirer. You're thirty-five years old---in April---and you weigh a hundred and eighty-five pounds.
John Garrett: How in the hell do you know all that about me?
Frank Redbear: Even in a ghost town...don't leave your wallet in a car that's not locked.

Micah: With the harvest moon tomorrow night, our reign of peace shall dwell upon the land. And a sword of righteousness shall strike down the infidel.

Micah: You reap what you sow.

Micah: Danny...you dissapoint me. Now, you must be treated just like the others.
Danny: Micah, stop this now---
Micah: (Slaps Danny in the face) Silence!

John Garrett: (Finds two co-workers murdered) All right, don't try and tell me that some God damn poisoned corn did this. Now you level with me...what in the fuck is going on here?
Frank Redbear: Einstein was right. We didn't evolve out of random chance. There is a higher power controlling all of this. My ancestors believed in a God of the earth, a God who seeks revenge for the wrongs done to the earth. This is what's happened.
John Garrett: Bullshit! That's your answer? That God did this? That God's pissed?
Frank Redbear: You've got a better one?

Frank Redbear: Sheriff, I think we've got a problem.
Sheriff Blaine: (Points shotgun at him) I think you may be right.

Frank Redbear: Now, you can see by this drawing, that the children are particularly vulnerable. They feel the vibrations.
John Garrett: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Danny: The only reason I'm here is Mom didn't want me at her wedding.
John: Wrong! The way I heard it is, you and what's his name don't talk anymore.
Danny: Shithead!
John: His name is Sherman.
Danny: Right, shithead Sherman!
John: You know, you've got a real attitude problem.
Danny: Well I guess that's genetic, DAD!

Sheriff Blaine: I'll be heading the investigation into your murder. And there's still some that say the only good Indian is a dead Indian.
John Garrett: Fuck you, pencil-dick.
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