Quotes from
Crocodile Dundee (1986)

Sue Charlton: That croc was going to eat me alive.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: Oh, I wouldn't hold that against him. Same thought crossed my mind once or twice.

Richard Mason: Take care now.
Sue Charlton: Don't worry. I'm a New Yorker!

Neville Bell: Oh no, you can't take my photograph.
Sue Charlton: Oh, I'm sorry, you believe it will take your spirit away?
Neville Bell: No, you got a lens-cap on.

Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: Of course it took me a week to get this far. I thought I was a goner. I said to meself, "Mick old son, find yourself a nice comfortable spot and lay down and die".
Sue Charlton: Weren't you afraid ?
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: Of dying ? Nah. I read The Bible once. You know God and Jesus and all them apostles ? They were all fishermen, just like me. Yeah, straight to heaven for Mick Dundee. Yep, me and God, we'd be mates.
[they continue along the way followed by Mick after he had been attacked and injured by a crocodile]

Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: For a minute there, "room-service" took on a whole new meaning.

[Dundee is threatened by a mugger with a switchblade]
Sue Charlton: Mick, give him your wallet.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: What for?
Sue Charlton: He's got a knife.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: [chuckling] That's not a knife.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: [Dundee draws a large Bowie knife]
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: THAT'S a knife.
[Dundee slashes the teen mugger's jacket. He and his friends run away]
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: [chuckling to Sue] Just kids having fun. Are you all right ?
Sue Charlton: I'm always all right when I'm with you Dundee.

Richard Mason: New York City, Mr. Dundee. Home to seven million people.
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: That's incredible. Imagine seven million people all wanting to live together. Yeah, New York must be the friendliest place on earth.

[Mick "Crocodile" Dundee singing in the bathtub]
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: If I give my heart to you...
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: Then I'll have none and you'll have two...

Sue Charlton: How does he find his way in the dark ?
Michael J. "Crocodile" Dundee: He "thinks" his way. A lot of people think that they're telepathic.
[Sounds of branches breaking]
Neville Bell: OOOOh, I hate bush!
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