Quotes from
The Dirty Dozen (1967)

Samson Posey: I reckon the folks'd be a sight happier if I died like a soldier. Can't say I would.

Joseph Wladislaw: Killin' generals could get to be a habit with me.

Major John Reisman: You've seen a general inspecting troops before haven't you? Just walk slow, act dumb and look stupid!

Victor R. Franko: Hey! What's the matter with you? You think I'm going to die? Ha! If you think that then you don't know Victor Franko.

Major John Reisman: How come you speak German?
Joseph T. Wladislaw: My old man came from Silesia. He didn't speak German, he didn't dig coal. p He didn't dig coal, he didn't eat.

Major John Reisman: What do you think, Sergeant?
Sergeant Clyde Bowren: I think you'll do just fine, sir.
Major John Reisman: [emphatically] I said what do you think?
Sergeant Clyde Bowren: I think the first chance one of those lovers gets, he's going to shoot the Major right in the head... sir.

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