Quotes from
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)

Brad Neary: I don't understand these fractions.
Roy Neary: What's one third of sixty?
Brad Neary: [bewildered] That's a fraction, I don't understand them.
Roy Neary: [using a model train as an object lesson] Alright, let's say that this boxcar is sixty feet long, OK?, and one third of it is across this switch here, alright... And now another train is coming... Now, how far do you have to move this boxcar so that the other train doesn't smash it? Quickly Brad, there are thousands of lives at stake... Brad any answer...

Claude Lacombe: Major Walsh, it is an event sociologique.

[Roy is shoveling soil into his kitchen window]
Roy Neary: Ronnie, if I don't do this, *that's* when I'm going to need a doctor.

Claude Lacombe: Mr. Neary, what do you want?
Roy Neary: I just want to know that it's really happening.

Roy Neary: [contemplating the lump shape] This means something. This is important.

[Roy's wife does not believe how he got the burns on his face]
Roy Neary: Well they're not moon burns, goddamnit.

Barry Guiler: You can come and play now.

David Laughlin: Have you recently had a close encounter?

Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, do you wish to file a report of any kind to us?
AirEast Pilot: [over radio] I wouldn't know what kind of report to file, Center.

Project Leader: He says the sun came out last night. He says it sang to him.

David Laughlin: Who flies crates like these anymore?
Project Leader: No one. These planes were reported missing in 1945.

Jillian Guiler: [on the police inquiring about her missing son] They asked me if I'd seen any strangers in the neighborhood.

[Trying to get his kids to look for UFOs at 4 AM]
Roy Neary: It's better than Goofy Golf!

Roy Neary: Is that it? Is that all you're gonna ask me? Well I got a couple of thousand goddamn questions, you know. I want to speak to someone in charge. I want to lodge a complaint. You have no right to make people crazy! You think I investigate every Walter Cronkite story there is? Huh? If this is just nerve gas, how come I know everything in such detail? I've never been here before. How come I know so much? What the hell is going on around here? Who the hell are you people?

David Laughlin: We didn't choose this place! We didn't choose these people! They were invited!
Claude Lacombe: They belong here more than we.

Roy Neary: I wanna speak to the man in charge.
David Laughlin: Mr. Lacombe is the highest authority.
Roy Neary: He isn't even an American.

Scientist 1: Einstein WAS right!
Team Leader: Einstein was PROBABLY one of them!

Roy Neary: You can't fool us by agreeing with us.

Ronnie Neary: Hey! This is not your toy to play with every time I turn around!

Scientist: That's a 2500 dollar globe! What are you guys doing?

Claude Lacombe: [to Roy Neary] I envy you.
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