Quotes from
Funny Farm (1988)

Sheriff Ledbetter: Remember, Mrs. Farmer. Whenever you buy a house, whatever's in the ground belongs to you -- whether it's gold or oil... or Claude Musselman.

Andy Farmer: We came to Redbud filled with hopes and dreams of a better life. And basically, we've seen those hopes and dreams crushed and battered before our very eyes.

Andy Farmer: Being a fake is what I do best.

Elizabeth Farmer: I'm convinced that our marriage has been one of mutual betrayals. I know it! YOU know it! Even Yellow Dog knows it!
Andy Farmer: I know it and you know it. Yellow Dog doesn't even know what town he's in.

Andy Farmer: [Andy and Elizabeth are showing Redbud to prospective buyers Bud and Betsy after hiring the town to "act normal"] This is going to cost us a fortune!
Elizabeth Farmer: The fifty-dollar bonus was YOUR idea.
Andy Farmer: [smiling] Little slice of heaven, isn't it, Bud?

Andy Farmer: As a novelist, I turned out to be a pretty good sportswriter.

Andy Farmer: Call me Mr. Lamb Fries!

Mack: How'd you know my name was Mack?
Crocker: Just Guessed.
Mack: Then why don't you guess your way to Redbud.

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