Quotes from
The Freshman (1990)

Clark Kellogg: You lost my money on a horse?
Victor Ray: In retrospect I'm not even sure it was a horse.

Carmine Sabatini: Everything I say, by definition, is a promise.

Clark Kellogg: There's a kind of freedom in being completely screwed, because you know things can't possibly get any worse.
Victor Ray: What? You know how big this is? Bacio di tutti baci... the kiss of all kisses.

Carmine Sabatini: [Looking around the dorm] So, this is college.
Carmine Sabatini: I didn't miss nothing.

Larry London: Carmine said one boy, here are two!

[In Little Italy]
Clark Kellogg: This is it?
Victor Ray: Yeah. Safest neighborhood in New York.
[Gunshot in the background]

Larry London: [sings in German] Mein Herz schwebt in Blut! That means 'My Heart Swims In Blood'.
Clark Kellogg: Yeah.

Clark Kellogg: But it's an endangered species!
Carmine Sabatini: Not any more. It's in New Jersey, it's fine.

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