Quotes from
Ben-Hur (1959)

Judah: If you were not a bride I would kiss you good-bye.
Esther: If I were not a bride you would not have to kiss me good-bye.

Drusus: Are they still alive?
Jailer1: The jailer in that wing will know.
Jailer2: Oh, they're alive. The food keeps disappearing.

Simonides: Judah Ben Hur! You've come back to us like a returning faith! I want to laugh again, Judah.
Judah: We will laugh.
Simonides: Laugh, amidst the dust and cobwebs...

Ilderim: Balthasar is a good man. But until all men are like him, we must keep our swords bright!
Judah: And our intentions true! So I must leave you.
Ilderim: One last thought... there is no law in the arena. Many are killed. I hope to see you again, Judah Ben-Hur.

Pontius Pilate: A grown man knows the world he lives in. For the moment, that world is Rome.

Quintus Arrius: In his eagerness to save you, your god has also saved the Roman fleet.

Quintus Arrius: Now listen to me, all of you. You are all condemned men. We keep you alive to serve this ship. So row well, and live.

Messala: By condemning without hesitation an old friend, I shall be feared.

Sextus: You can break a man's skull. You can arrest him. You can throw him into a dungeon. But how do you fight an idea?

Quintus Arrius: Your eyes are full of hate, forty-one. That's good. Hate keeps a man alive.

Judah: Almost at the moment he died, he said, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do."
Esther: Even then...
Judah: Even then, and I felt his words take the sword from my hand!

Judah Ben-Hur: If you were not a bride, I would kiss you goodbye.
Esther: If I were not a bride, there would be no goodbyes to be said.

Messala: By what magic do you come bearing the seal of a Consul of Rome?
Judah Ben-Hur: You were the magician, Messala.

Judah Ben-Hur: I must deal with Messala in my own way.
Balthasar: And your way is to kill him.

Esther: It is as though you have become Messala!

Sheik Ilderim: One wife only... it is not generous!

Sheik Ilderim: Was the food not to your liking?
Judah Ben-Hur: Oh, indeed!
[Balthasar gestures for Judah to burp in gratitude, and Judah burps]

Quintus Arrius: [a galley's 200 rowers are being told to shift gears...] Battle speed! Attack speed! Ramming speed!

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