Quotes from
Throw Momma from the Train (1987)

[Owen breaks something]
Momma: You clumsy poop! What'd you do that for?

Owen: Where are you going?
Larry: I'm gonna kill the bitch.You want something?
Owen: Get me a chunky.

Momma: Owen! Food!
Owen: In a minute, Momma.
Momma: Don't you "In a minute, Momma" me! Get off your fat little ass or I'll break it for you! I want two soft boiled eggs, white toast, and some of that grape jelly god damn it! And don't burn the toast!
Owen: Kill her, Larry.

Momma: He's trying to kill me! I asked for the salted nuts. He brought me the unsalted nuts. The unsalted nuts make me choke!

[edited version]
Momma: Get away from me you horses ass!

Momma: Get out of my way you black bastard!

Momma: Stupid Bingo! Don't you know there's a murderer on the train!

Momma: Come on. Move it lard ass.

Momma: Who the HELL are you?!
Larry: I'm Owen's friend.
Momma: Owen doesn't have a friend.
Larry: That's because he's shy.
Momma: No he's not. He's fat and he's stupid.

Larry: One little murder and you are Jack the Ripper.

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