Other Quotes:
Rocky III
Rocky IV

Quotes from
Rocky II (1979)

Interviewer: Do you have a criminal record?
Rocky Balboa: Nothin' worth braggin' about.

Rocky Balboa: It's Apollo.
Mickey: Who were you expecting?
Rocky Balboa: I was hoping he wouldn't show

Gazo: How's about investing in condominiums? It's safe.
Rocky Balboa: Condominiums?
Gazo: Yeah, condominiums.
Rocky Balboa: I never use 'em.

[to Apollo, about a rematch with Rocky]
Duke: He's all wrong for us, baby. I saw you beat that man like I never saw no man get beat before, and the man kept coming after you. Now we don't need no man like that in our lives.

[Mickey has Rocky chase after a chicken as part of his training]
Rocky Balboa: I feel like a Kentucky Fried idiot.

[During Rocky's retraining]
Mickey: You're gonna eat lightnin'; you're gonna crap thunder.

Rocky Balboa: I just got one thing to say... to my wife at home: Yo, Adrian! I DID IT!

Mickey: This guy just don't want to win you know. He wants to bury you, he wants to humiliate you, he wants to prove to the whole world that you was nothing but some kind of a... a freak the first time out.

Mickey: Hey Rock. It's three in the morning. I went up to your house there and they told me you was here. It's a 3:00am kid. You know that Adrian, she's a good girl. Me, you know I'm sorry for both of ya. There's nothing I can do about it. Except uh I wanna tell you this once and then uh I ain't gonna say it again. But Rock you got another shot. This is the second shot. At uh I don't know the biggest title in the world, and you're gonna be swappin' punches with, with the most dangerous fighter in the world. And just in case you know your brain ain't workin' so good. All this happens pretty soon and you ain't ready. You know you're no where near in shape. So I say for God's sake. Why don't you stand up and fight this guy HARD? Like you done before that was beautiful! But don't lay down like this! Like uh I don't know like some kind of mongrel or something. Cause he's gonna kick your face in pieces! That's right! This guy doesn't just wanna win you know, he wants to bury ya, he wants to humiliate ya, he wants to prove to the whole world that you was nothin but some kind of freak the first time out. He said you were a one time lucky bum! Well now I don't wanna get mad in a biblical place like this. But I think you're a hell of a lot more than that kid! A hell of a lot! But now wait a minute if you wanna blow this thing if you wanna blow it then damn it I'm gonna blow it with ya. If you wanna stay here I'll stay with ya. I stay with ya. I'll stay and pray. What do I got to lose?

Adrian: There's one thing I want you to do for me.
Rocky Balboa: What's that?
Adrian: Win.
Adrian: Win!

Mickey: Why do you have to wear that stinkin' sweatsuit?
Rocky Balboa: It brings me luck, you know?
Mickey: Brings you luck. I'll tell you what it brings - it brings FLIES! Now here's what I want you to do - I want you to chase this little chicken.
Rocky Balboa: Hey yo, Mick, what do I got to chase a chicken for?
Mickey: First, because I said so. And second, is because chicken-chasing is how we used to train back in the old days. If you can catch this thing, you can catch greased lighting.
Rocky Balboa: Well, I'll do it if you say so, but it ain't very mature.
Mickey: Yeah, well NEITHER ARE YOU, very mature!

[Out shopping with Adrian]
Rocky Balboa: Do you like having a good time? Then you need-a-good-watch!

Mickey: Who the hell is that?
Rocky Balboa: Avon lady.

[At a press conference for fight]
Paulie: We're gonna punch his lungs out!
Apoll: And who the Hell is that! Al Capone?

Rocky Balboa: You know, I never knew you were so light, you know.
Adrian: No?
Rocky Balboa: No, if I did I would've carried you everywhere.

[Rocky is punching the heavy bag]
Rocky Balboa: Three, four.
Mickey: Now remember I want 500 hard ones go!
Rocky Balboa: Where was I, seven or eight?

Employment Manager: Can I be honest? No one's going to offer you an office job. There's too much competition. Why don't you fight? I read somewhere you're a very good fighter.
Rocky Balboa: Yeah, well. Was ya ever punched in the face 500 times a night? It stings after a while, ya know.

Rocky Balboa: [noticing Mickey's hearing aid] What's that in your ear there?
Mickey: What it is, is I hear stupid things better.

Rocky Balboa: I was wonderin' if, uh, you wouldn't mind marryin' me very much.

Reporter: Rock, you got anything derogatory to say about the champ?
Rocky Balboa: Derogatory? Yeah. He's great.

Reporter: Rocky your pay for the fight will be very substantial. What will you do with the money.
Rocky Balboa: Well the first thing I gotta do is I gotta pay the rent. And then I made this list on our way over here. I'd like to buy a couple hats, a motorcycle, a couple quarts of perfume for Adrian she likes to smell good. And some muppet toys you know, Ernie, Big Bird. And the frog what's his name? Kermit?
Mickey: Yeah.
Rocky Balboa: And I thought maybe a statue for the church and a snow cone machine for you Paulie. You like snow cones right?
Reporter: Rocky do you have something derargatory to say about the champ?
Rocky Balboa: Derargatory? Yeah, he's great.

Bill Baldwin: This place is certanly packed with Rocky's people. I've never seen so many Italians in my whole life!
Stu Nahan: Hey you said that. I didn't say that.

Apollo: [Apollo is reading fan mail] Mary Anne, you listen to this. "You didn't beat nobody and anybody who knows boxing knows the fight was fixed." This one came from London. "You call yourself the champ? You're a fake! The fight was a fake. Go kill yourself!"
Mary Anne Creed: Wouldn't you rather play with the children than read hate mail?
Apollo: "How much did you get to carry that bum for 15 rounds? You are a disgrace to your people."
Mary Anne Creed: Why can't you ignore it?
Apollo: Are you serious?
[Tosses the mail away in anger]

Adrian: We really don't need a car.
Rocky Balboa: That's alright I'm doing commercials now. No problem.
Adrian: Do you know how to drive?
Rocky Balboa: Do I know how to drive?
Adrian: Do you know how to drive?
Rocky Balboa: Do I know how to drive? Are you kidding? I'm one of the greats! Let me put you inside the car. I drive airplanes and bulldozers. I'll drive you crazy if you give me the chance.

Apollo Creed: Do you think I beat him the last time?
Duke: You got the decision.
Apollo Creed: Man I won! But I didn't beat him!

Apollo: [outside after the first fight] Come on. Right here. Let's finish this fight!
Rocky Balboa: Is he serious?

[Rocky and Mickey are watching the film of the first fight]
Mickey: Left handed fighters they're the worst. They try to come in there with that big left. Right's no damn good. They ought to outlaw southpaws!
Rocky Balboa: Why didn't you tell me that before?
Mickey: I didn't want to hurt your feelings.
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