Quotes from
Virus: What about Meg? Carla: Wouldn't it be cool to screw in the principal's bedroom? Dags: So why don't you just ditch the books and come to the back and party with us? Lisa: I can't. Dags: Why? Lisa: 'Cause nobody likes me! Everyone thinks I'm a frigid headcase. Dags: Well, Virus and Reggie do... but I don't! Look, why don't you prove them wrong by coming to the back and partying with us? Lisa: Okay! I can be fun! Meg: Why can't we see Kennedy's eternal flame? Principal Moss: You people don't deserve Kennedy. Principal Moss: Open the door! Red: [Driving away] Sorry, man we got a schedule to keep. Principal Moss: Open the door! Red: What's the magic word? Principal Moss: Open the door! Red: [Opens the door] The magic word is "Rock and Roll," man. Miosky: I wanna do a Jap. Barry "Virus" Kemmer: Hey! How about Carla Morgan? I hear she's half Jewish! Miosky: Not that kind of Jap. A real Jap from China. With silky soft skin, almond eyes and straight blonde hair. Mark "Dags" D'Agastino: A blonde Japanese. Hmmmm. Miosky: They're a rare breed, but they're out there -- and I'm gonna find one. Reggie Barry: Red didn't die. He partied to death! Reggie Barry: Heroin, huh? Herbert Jones: Insulin. Reggie Barry: Can I, like, buy some from you? Main Page ...or Look at some Movie Pics |