Quotes from
The Andromeda Strain (1971)

Capt. Morton: [code phrase] There's a fire, sir.

[last lines]
Senator from Vermont: You're absolutely sure it worked? You better be!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: All reports continue to indicate that the experiment was successful, Senator.
Senator from Vermont: Then we can feel confident your so-called "biological crisis" is over?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: As far as Andromeda is concerned, yes. We have the organism at Wildfire, and we continue to study it. We know now beyond a doubt that othe forms of life exist in the universe.
Senator from Vermont: Thanks to Scoop?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: Yes.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: However, with this new knowledge, there is no guarantee that another so-called "biological crisis" won't occur again.
Senator from Vermont: Hmm. What do we do about that?
Dr. Jeremy Stone: Precisely Senator. What do we do?

Dr. Jeremy Stone: According to this there'll be a super-colony of Andromeda over the entire southwest in...
Dr. Charles Dutton: Jeremy! These are biological *warfare* maps!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: Why, yes... so they are... uh... but... Simulations, Charlie. Defensive... it's just a scenario.
Dr. Ruth Leavitt: That's not the POINT for God's sake! Wildfire was built for germ warfare! Wildfire AND Scoop! And you knew, Stone! YOU KNEW IT!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: That's not true Ruth! I learned about Scoop the same time you did!
Dr. Charles Dutton: They already have Andromeda programmed! The purpose of Scoop was to find new biological weapons in outer space, and then use Wildfire to develop them!
Dr. Ruth Leavitt: It STINKS, Stone!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: You're blowing yout tops! We have no proof...
Dr. Charles Dutton: The MAP!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: DON'T BE AN ASS! That map only shows what Andromeda *could* do in the hands of an enemy!
Dr. Charles Dutton: Enemy? We did it to OURSELVES!

Dr. Mark Hall: Most of them died instantly. A few had time to go quietly nuts.

Dr. Jeremy Stone: When the bomb goes off there'll be a thousand mutations! Andromeda will spread everywhere! They'll never be rid of it!

Dr. Jeremy Stone: Stick to established procedures.
Dr. Ruth Leavitt: Establishment gonna fall down and go boom.

Dr. Rudolph Karp: Fools! They refuse to believe life exists in meteorites. I showed them at the astrophysics conference what I just showed you. But no! Even with a microscope they are blind! What do I have to do? Hit them over the head?

Dr. Jeremy Stone: [handing out suppositories] Umm... stop by your rooms and insert these before taking the elevator.
Dr. Ruth Leavitt: I have risked drowning in that foul bath! I have been par-boiled, irradiated and xenon-flashed! and now you suggest I...
Dr. Jeremy Stone: I HAVE to! We haven't done a thing about the G.I. tract yet. On level five we must be as nearly germ-free as possible.
Dr. Ruth Leavitt: [eyeing suppository sheepishly] Anyone care to join me for a "smoke"?

Dr. Jeremy Stone: Hall? Take a look at this.
[gestures to dead man with peaceful facial expression]
Dr. Jeremy Stone: Are you sure this isn't coronary?
Dr. Mark Hall: No, coronary is painful. They should grimace.
Dr. Jeremy Stone: If it was fast, they wouldn't have time.
Dr. Mark Hall: Fast? These people were cut down in mid-stride!

[arriving at the virus site via helicopter]
Dr. Jeremy Stone: If anything happens to us, you have your orders.
Dempsey: Yes sir. Proceed directly to Wildfire, and then uh
[makes slashing motion across neck]
Dempsey: -zzZZTT!
Dr. Jeremy Stone: [to Hall] If we're eliminated, the aircraft and pilot'll have to be sterilized.
Dempsey: Uh wait a minute. That's not what they told me. Just "incinerated".

Jackson: Hell of a way to run a hospital.

[Jackson grabs the nurse's thigh while being examined]
Karen Anson: Feeling "better" aren't you, Mr. Jackson?
Jackson: ee-YEP!
Jackson: You always have to wear that "iron suit"?
Karen Anson: [imitating Jackson] ee-YEP!

Dr. Mark Hall: Tell us what happened, Mr Jackson.
Jackson: I don't wanna think about it.
Dr. Mark Hall: You know what people will say: "Piedmont was bad, that's why it was punished." First the town went crazy and then was destroyed...
Jackson: YOU'RE crazy! Folks at Piedmont was good, decent, normal folks.
Dr. Mark Hall: The man we found all dressed up in his doughboy's uniform, call that normal?
Jackson: Pete Arnold, who worked at the store. It was the disease!
Dr. Mark Hall: How do you know?
Jackson: 'Cause the only thing wrong with him before that night, was sugar.
Dr. Mark Hall: Diabetes? Did he take insulin?
Jackson: Couple of times a day! *Hated* the needle. *I* tried to talk him into usin' squeeze.
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