Other Quotes:
Superman II
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace

Quotes from
Superman III (1983)

Vera Webster: Don't call me "man."

Perry White: I don't understand you Olsen. A boring banquet and you bring me three thousand boring pictures. Yet Superman saves a man from drowning on 3rd Avenue this morning while you stand there watching the whole thing and you don't even bring me one picture.
Jimmy Olsen: Chief, I didn't have my camera with me.
Perry White: A photographer eats with his camera. A photographer sleeps with his camera.
Lois Lane: I'm glad I'm a writer.

Ross Webster: I can't have anyone with me... who isn't with me.

Gus Gorman: I don't want to go to jail because there are robbers and rapers and rapers who rape robbers.

Ross Webster: I ask you to kill Superman, and you can't do that one, simple thing.

Ross Webster: You know a wise man once said, I think it was Attila the Hun, "It is not enough that I succeed, everyone else must fail.

[Superman has just stopped a chemical fire]
Fire Chief: I tell you that man is a miracle.

Ross Webster: Never underestimate the power of computers.

Evil Superman: Well I hope you don't expect me to save you, 'cause I don't do that anymore.
Lorelei: Don't worry about me. I'm long past savin'.

Evil Superman: You always wanted to fly Kent. Now's your chance.

Ross Webster: What will it do?
Gus Gorman: Anything I tell it.
Ross Webster: What will it do for me?
Gus Gorman: For you, it will do anything you tell me to tell it to do for you.

White Coated Scientist: Hey. Here's that compound you ordered. Can't imagine what you want with it, but you've got it.
Gus Gorman: What the hell am I afraid for? I'm from earth.

Perry White: I don't have to tell you, it isn't easy for me to lose one of my best reporters.
Clark Kent: Oh, that's okay.
Perry White: But you deserve the vacation, Lois.
Lois Lane: Thank you.

Jimmy Olsen: Clark, I want you to keep these people distracted so they don't know what I'm doing.
Clark Kent: What are you doing?
Jimmy Olsen: What am I doing? Remember what the chief said? A photographer always goes after a story.
Clark Kent: That could be dangerous, Jimmy.
Jimmy Olsen: Danger? Goes with the territory, Mister Kent.

Ross Webster: I've got to get rid of him.
Vera Webster: How? Shoot him? You know about him and bullits.

Ross Webster: [to Gus Gorman] You're going to go down in history as the man who killed Superman!

Gus Gorman: Superman's bad!

[first lines]
Unemployment Clerk: Next. Name.
Gus Gorman: Gus Gorman.

[last lines]
Pisa Vendor: Giorgio, per favore. Que grazie.
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