Quotes from
The War of the Worlds (1953)

Sylvia: They murder everything that moves.

Forrester: If they're mortal, they have mortal weaknesses. They'll be stopped, somehow.

Radio announcer: All communications are out... which is why these tape recordings I'm making are for the sake of future history - if any.

Duprey: I have never seen blood crystals as anemic as these. They may be mental giants but physically, by our standards, they must be very primitive.

Alonzo: What do we say to them?
Wash: "... welcome to California.

Reporter: By the way he's hedging maybe they got through. I've seen news off the Pacific wire; Rangoon, the Philippines, from what's coming through no one's stopped 'em yet.

Major General Mann: "They'll probably move at dawn...

Colonel Hefner: "Everybody out of here. The Air Force will take care these baby's now. Every out of here, everybody OU-."

Well Dressed Looter: You can't by a ride for the love of money.

First National Guardsman: Hey you, better get out of here.
Dr Clayton Forrester: I'm looking for someone, a girl.
Second National Guardsman: "Come on, get in.
Dr Clayton Forrester: She's kind of lost.
First National Guardsman: You look kind of lost.

Priest: Don't go son. Stay with us.
Dr Clayton Forrester: No, I'm looking for someone. She'll be in a church, standing by the door.

Dr Clayton Forrester: "e prayed for a miracle.

Major General Mann: Pattern-wise, one lands, then two, making groups of threes joined magnetically. Is that possible?
Dr Clayton Forrester: If they do it, it is.

Dr Clayton Forrester: We know now we can't beat their machines. We've got to beat them.

Major General Mann: That skeleton beam must be what they used to wipe out the French cities.
Dr. Clayton Forrester: It neutralizes meson somehow. They're the atomic glue holding matter together. Cut across their lines of magnetic force and any object will simply cease to exist. Take my word for it General, this type of defense is useless against that kind of power. You'd better let Washington know, fast.

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