Deacon: Don't just stand there, kill something! Deacon: [about the Mariner] He's like a turd that won't flush! Deacon: If I ever see him again, I'm going to cut open his head and eat his brain. [Addressing the ships inhabitants] Deacon: Citizens of the good ship, please now hear me speak...I've had a vision. Deacon: Dry land is not just our destination, it is our destiny! [speaking of dry land] Mariner: Because I haven't seen it. And I've sailed further then most men have dreamed. Deacon: Look its the gentlemen guppy. Deacon: If you'll notice the ulterior nature of the blood coming from the hole in my head, you can assume that we're ALL having a real lousy day. Deacon: He'll see what's left of you in a goddamn jar! Enola: He doesn't have a name so death can't find him! Deacon: Wanna cigarette? Your never too young to start. Deacon: Golly Gee. A single tear runs down my cheek. Mariner: What are the markings on her back? Helen: Some say it's the way to dry land. Mariner: Dry land is a myth. Helen: No, you said it yourself, that you've seen it. Mariner: You're a fool to believe in something you've never seen. Helen: But the things on your boat!... Mariner: The things on my boat, what!? Helen: There are things on your boat that no one has ever seen. These shells, the music box and the reflecting glass. Well, if not from dry land, then where? Where!? Mariner: You wanna see dry land. You really wanna see it? I'll take you there. [after getting a glass eye] Deacon: Well it better not screw up my short-game. Deacon: Let's have an intelligent conversation here: I'll talk, and you listen. Nord: [To the Mariner] You should have stayed under water. Main Page ...or Look at some Movie Pics |