Other Quotes:
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Quotes from
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls (1995)

Ace Ventura: Meeting with sinister types much? A not too much, a much too much.

Ace Ventura: There's someone on the wing! Some... THING! I'm sorry, what were you saying?

Ace Ventura: The urine stain on your pants signifies that you are a single-shake man, far too busy for the follow-up jiggle.

Ace Ventura: Friends, rodents, quadrupeds, lend me your rears!

Ace Ventura: I'll have you know that I have the reflexes of a cat and the speed of a mongoose. Throw it. I DARE YOU!

Ace Ventura: It is the mucus that binds us.

Ace Ventura: Your request is not unlike your lower intestine: stinky and loaded with danger.

[spying, sitting in a mechanical rhino]
Ace Ventura: Pretty hot in these rhinos...

[Ace is chasing the villain with a monster truck]
Ace Ventura: Nobody wants to play with me!

Ace Ventura: Guano bowls! Collect the whole set...

Ace Ventura: What did he just say?
Fulton Greenwall: He said that she is not a virgin.
Ace Ventura: They can tell that?

Ace Ventura: Where iz zhe bat?

Ace Ventura: Die you bewinged spawn of Satan!

Fulton Greenwall: Bumbawe Atuna... Bumbawe Atuna...
Ace Ventura: Bumblebee tuna! Bumblebee tuna! Excuse me... Your balls are showing...
Ace Ventura: Bumblebee tuna!

Ace Ventura: OK all looks good, you know, you never really know until you check things out yourself.
Fulton Greenwall: Well aren't you going to go investigate?
Ouda: Here you go.
[hands him torch]
Ace Ventura: [gives look] Spank you, Helpy Helperton...

Ace Ventura: Greenwall, hit the lights! The switch on the wall beside you! Go for it!... Flick it, QUICK!
[Greenwall does nothing]
Ace Ventura: Okay, shall we go to jail?

Ace Ventura: Yes, how selfish of me. Let's do all the things that YOU wanna do.

Ace Ventura: Can you feel it, Captain Compost?

Ace Ventura: Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. And you must be the Monopoly guy!
Ace Ventura: Thanks for the free parking!

[with Greenwall at top of a huge stairs leading to a temple]
Ace Ventura: I'll meet you at the bottom there's still one more thing I must do before I go...
[close-up of slinky going down huge steps to temple]
Ace Ventura: Isn't this incredible? It's gonna be some kind of a record! Everyone loves a Slinky, you gotta get a Slinky, Slinky, Slinky, go Slinky go!
[Slinky stops on second last step]
Ace Ventura: Awww man! Can you beleive it. It was right there!

Ace Ventura: If you were me then I'd be you and I'd use your body to get to the top. You can't stop me no matter who you are!

Quinn: Something wrong, Mr.Ventura?
Ace Ventura: Of course not, this is a lovely room of death.

Ace Ventura: [holding a skunk, imitating Tony Montana in Scarface] Say hello to my STINKY little friend!
[lifts the skunk's tail]

Ace Ventura: That's a lovely fur you're wearing. Perhaps I could find you some slippers made from the skins of innocent and defenseless baby seals!

Ace Ventura: Cadby, from the consulate, right? This is weird!

Ace Ventura: That's what you slipped in! That's what was on your shoe! AND THAT EXPLAINS THE ABRASION ON YOUR PALM! Damn I'm good!

Fulton Greenwall: You must be very proud, Ace.
Ace Ventura: Pride is an abomination. One must forego the self to obtain total spiritual creaminess, and avoid the chewy chunks of degradation.

Fulton Greenwall: Yes, well he bends over and talks from his behind.
Ashram Monk: Oh, him.
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