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Quotes from
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers (1995)

Doctor Sam Loomis: I knew what he was, but I never knew why.

Mrs. Blankenship: A long, long time ago, it was a night of great power. When the days grew short, the spirits of the dead, returned to their homes to warm themselves by the fire's side. All across the land, huge bonfires were lit. Ohhh, there was a marvelous celebration. People danced, and they played games, and they dressed up in costumes, hoping to ward off the evil spirits. Especially the boogey man.

[Opening narration]
Tommy Doyle: When Michael Myers was six years old, he stabbed hs sister to death. He was locked up for years in Smith's Grove Sanitarium, but he escaped. Soon after, Halloween became another word for mayhem! One by one, he killed his entire family, until his nine-year-old niece, Jamie Lloyd, was the only one left alive. Six years ago - Halloween night - Michael and Jamie vanished. Most people believed them dead but I believe someone hid them away. Someone who keeps Michael, protects him... tries to control him. If there's one thing I know, you can't control evil. You can lock it up, burn it, and bury it, and pray that it dies, but it never will. It just... rests awhile. You can lock your doors, and say your prayers, but the evil is out there... waiting. And maybe, just maybe... it's closer than you think!

John Strode: Enough of this Michael Myers bullshit!

Dr. Wynn: I'd like you to come back to Smith's Grove.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Dr. Wynn, you know it is not wise to play Halloween pranks.

Tommy Doyle: Michael's work is not finished in Haddonfield. And soon, very soon, he'll come back.

Kara: Beth, who's that guy that lives across the hall from you?
Beth: Why? You interested?
Kara: No. He's always staring out of his window. Last night I caught him watching me.
Beth: Oh, that must be Tommy. On a weirdness scale from one to ten, he rates about a thirteen. Supposedly some scary shit happened to him when he was a kid. Messed up his head really bad. He's harmless though. Probably just lonely...
Tim Strode: ...or horny. Something you haven't felt in a while.

Kara: [on the phone] Beth look out there's someone in the room, he's right behind you!

Tommy Doyle: I was only 8 years old when I saw him... but I was one of the lucky ones. I survived.

Tommy Doyle: Where are they? Where's Kara? I feel like I've been drugged.
Doctor Sam Loomis: We have been drugged.
Tommy Doyle: I don't understand, why didn't they kill us when they had the chance?
Doctor Sam Loomis: It's his game, and I know where he wants to play it.

Kara: Where do we go?
Doctor Sam Loomis: As far away from Haddonfield as possible.
Tommy Doyle: Come with us.
Doctor Sam Loomis: No, I have some business to attend to.

Doctor Sam Loomis: I thought Michael was a monster, but you...
[Loomis gets knocked out, Wynn rises]
Dr. Wynn: Leave him. It's his office now.

Dr. Wynn: I was getting worried Sam, I was afraid you wouldn't make it.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Why now?
Dr. Wynn: Beacuase you were the first one to see it. You recognised its power.
Dr. Wynn: Evil. Pure, uncorrupted, ancient...
Doctor Sam Loomis: You are a mad man.
Dr. Wynn: I have my plans for this baby. Jamie's baby, will be the dawn of a new age. And I'm asking you to join me.

Dr. Wynn: About time Doctor Loomis. Welcome to your fate. The time has come for you to know the truth. The time has come for you to join us.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Why now?
Dr. Wynn: After Jamie escape last night, I knew she would come to you. And I knew you would lead us to her baby, her very special baby. I needed her, just as I need you now. It's your destiny Sam, it lives inside you. It always has, you know that don't you?
Doctor Sam Loomis: You are... a mad man.

Dr. Wynn: Look around you Sam, madness everywhere. Famine, war, a great plague. These are signs we must restore balance to the natural order of things. We merely provide the means.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Michael?
Dr. Wynn: We've given him the power, the gift of thorn. I am its deliverer. I follow it, act as its guardian! I protect Michael, watch over him. And... now it's time for another. Now it's time for you, Doctor Loomis.

Doctor Sam Loomis: Michael? It's over! It's finally over. It's all over.
[he pulls off the mask, and sees it is Wynn]
Dr. Wynn: [startled] Michael. Michael's gone!
[he grabs Loomis's arm]
Dr. Wynn: It's your game now Doctor Loomis!

Tommy Doyle: [seeing a gun] Doctor Loomis, you know that can't stop Michael.
Doctor Sam Loomis: Nothing can stop Michael, but it can stop Wynn.

Jamie Lloyd: [opening line] Michael, please don't hurt me.

Dr. Wynn: Michael, your final sacrafice.
Kara: Michael, you can make him stop it. Don't kill the baby. You know whose baby it is, don't you?
Dr. Wynn: MICHAEL!
Kara: The baby is yours. Isn't it Michael?

Dr. Wynn: Spirits and powers of the flame, attend and witness this ritual. Bear our gifts to Thorn. Open us to the path of Darkness. By these runes transform us. Let the hammer descend upon the Chosen One to whom we offer this sacrifice of Innocent Blood. And then Danny, your journey begins. Kill for him!

[repeated line]
Man in black: Danny, kill for him.

Man in black: [before shooting Jamie] Your work is finished now.

Sheriff: Go back to your loony bin. I've got enough problems around here without you stirring up ghost stories.
Doctor Sam Loomis: I suppose it was a ghost who did all of this, and a ghost on the radio last night, and a ghost being carried out of here now."
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