Other Quotes:
Superman II
Superman III

Quotes from
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)

Lex Luthor: Lenny, I've always considered you the Dutch Elm disease in my family tree.

Lex Luthor: This is my nephew Lenny. He worships me.

[Superman and Nuclear Man confront each other in downtown Metropolis]
Nuclear Man: Where is the girl?
Superman: Give it up, you'll never find her.
Nuclear Man: If you don't tell me where she is, I will hurt people!
[Nuclear Man begins to cause mass destruction]
Superman: Stop! Don't do it, the people!

Lex Luthor: Lenny, let's try and keep your IQ a family secret.

Lex Luthor: I don't really want nuclear war. I just want to keep the threat alive.

Lex Luthor: You know what I can do with a single strand of Superman's hair?
Lenny: You can make a toupee that flies!

Luthor: Just remember, I made you.
Lenny: Yeah, you're just an experiment, freako! (Nuclear Man raises hishand and lifts Lenny up into the air)
Nuclear Man: (making Lenny spin around) I am an experiment? I am a freako? (sets Lenny down)
Luthor: I made you and I can destroy you.
Nuclear Man: Destroy. Destroy Superman now!

[Superman has flown into Lex Luthor's Lair]
Lenny: The Dude of Steel! You are so gonna get it!

Superman: And there will be peace. There will be peace when the people of the world, want it so badly, that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them. I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it's just one world.

Lois Lane: You gotta go with your gut.
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