Other Quotes:
Home Alone

Quotes from
Home Alone 2: Lost in New York (1992)

Harry: Here we are Marv. New York City, the land of opportunity. Smell that?
Marv: [sniffs] Yeah.
Harry: Know what that is?
Marv: Fish?
Harry: It's freedom.
Marv: No, it's fish.
Harry: It's freedom, and it's money.
Marv: Okay, okay, it's freedom.
Harry: Let's get out of here before somebody sees us.
Marv: And it's fish.

Kate McCallister: What kind of idiots do you have working here?
Mrs. Stone, Desk Clerk: The finest in New York.

Cedrick the Bellman: Do you know how the TV works?
Kevin McCallister: I'm 10-years-old. TV is my life.

Kevin McCallister: You can mess with a lot of things, but you can't mess with kids on Christmas.

[Frank snatches a can of Coke out of his son Fuller's hand]
Uncle Frank McCallister: Hey, hey, easy on the fluids pal. The rubber sheets are packed.

Officer Bennett: Has the boy ever run away from home?
Peter McCallister: No.
Officer Bennett: Has he ever been in a situation where's been on his own?
Kate McCallister: [Kate shakes her head. Peter gives her a look] As a matter of fact, this has happened before. It's become sort of a McCallister family travel tradition.
Peter McCallister: Funnily enough, we never lose our luggage.
[They both laugh, and knock on the wooden desk]
Kate McCallister: [Officer Bennett does not laugh] He was left at home, by accident, last year.
Peter McCallister: That's what my wife meant when she said this has become a McCallister family travel tradition.

[Hotel servants get up to run]

Kevin McCallister: You guys give up? Have you had enough pain?
Marv: Nevahhhhhh.

Kevin McCallister: Don't you know a kid always wins against two idiots?

Kevin McCallister: You've gotta help me. There's two guys after me.
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: What's the matter? Store wouldn't take your stolen credit card? Let's see what the police have to say about this.

Peter McCallister: I don't think that it's a good idea for you to be running all over New York all by yourself.
Kate McCallister: I think that if our son can do it, I can do it.
Peter McCallister: Kate, it...
Kate McCallister: Peter, I'll be fine. The way I'm feeling right now, no mugger or murderer would dare mess with me.
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Madam, there are hundreds of parasites out there, armed to the teeth...
[Mrs. McCallister slaps him]
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Do bundle up, it's awfully cold outside.

Mrs. Stone, Desk Clerk: Can I help you?
Kevin McCallister: A reservation for McCallister?
Mrs. Stone, Desk Clerk: A reservation for yourself?
Kevin McCallister: Ma'am, my feet are hardly touching the ground. I'm barely able to look over the counter. How can I make a reservation for a hotel room? Think about it. A kid coming into a hotel, making a reservation? I don't think so.

Marv: Suck BRICK kid.

[last lines]
Cedrick the Bellman: Mr. McAllister's room service bill, sir. Merry Christmas.
Buzz McCallister: [looking at that bill] Merry Christmas, indeed. Oh, Daaad.
Peter McCallister: Kevin! You spent $967 on room service?

Kevin McCallister: It's a nice night for a neck injury.

Cedric the Bellman: You know, Herbert Hoover once stayed here on this floor.
Kevin McCallister: The vacuum guy?
Cedric the Bellman: No, the President.

Harry: You better say every prayer you ever heard, kid.
Marv: I hope your parents got you a tombstone for Christmas.

Harry: [pries open the cash register] Merry Christmas, Harry.
Marv: [pries open the money chest] Happy Hanukkah, Marv.

[climbing down the rope]
Marv: Harry, are you wearing aftershave?
Harry: That's not aftershave, Marv. That's kerosene. The rope is soaked in it.
Marv: Now why would anyone wanna soak a rope in kerosene?
[Kevin lights a match]
Kevin McCallister: Merry Christmas.
Harry: Go up.

Harry: Now we get ourselves a couple of phony passports and high-tail it to some foreign country.
Marv: Arizona?

Harry: That's very smart, Marv. You bust out of jail to rob fourteen cents from a Santa Claus?
Marv: Every little bit helps. Besides, now we got our new nickname: we're the Sticky Bandits.
Harry: Real cute.

Marv: He's in the park. He's alone. Kids are scared of the park.
Harry: Yeah, grown men come in the park and don't leave alive. Good luck, little fella.

Harry: I hate throwing a job knowing that little creep is on the loose.
Marv: Yeah but what can he do? He's a kid. Kids are helpless
Harry: Not this kid.
Marv: Yeah but this time he doesn't have a house full of dangerous goodies to get us with. He's in the park. He's alone. Kids are ascared of the park.
Harry: Yeah. Grown men come into the park and never leave alive. Good luck little fella.

Buzz McCallister: [after making a formal apology to the family; whispers to Kevin] Beat that, you little trout sniffer.
Kevin McCallister: [gets up] I'm not sorry. I did what I did because Buzz humiliated me and since he gets away with everything, I let him have it. And since you're all so STUPID to believe his lies I don't care if your idiotic Florida trip gets wrecked or not! Who wants to spend Christmas in a tropical climate anyway?
[turns to leave]
Kate McCallister: Kevin!
Peter McCallister: Kevin, you walk out here and you sleep on the third floor.
Fuller McCallister: [gleefully] Yeah, with me.
Kevin McCallister: So what else is new?
Uncle Frank McCallister: You better not wreck my trip, you little sour puss, your dad's paying good money for it.
Kevin McCallister: Oh, wouldn't wanna spoil your fun, Mr. Cheap Skate!
Buzz McCallister: What a troubled young man.

Peter McCallister: Hey Kevin, you better go put your tie on. We don't wanna be late for the Christmas pageant.
Kevin McCallister: My tie is in the bathroom and I can't go in because Uncle Frank is taking a shower. He says that if I walked in there and saw him naked I'd grow up never feeling like a real man.
[Peter and Kate stare]
Kevin McCallister: Whatever that means.
Peter McCallister: [after a pause, chuckles] I'm sure he was kidding. Just, uh, run in there, get your tie, get out, and don't look at... Anything.

Kate McCallister: Why don't you just sit up here for a while and think things over. When you're ready to apologize to Buzz and to the rest of the family, you can come down.
Kevin McCallister: I'm not apologizing to Buzz. I'd rather kiss a toilet seat!
Kate McCallister: Then you can stay up here the rest of the night.
Kevin McCallister: Fine. I don't wanna be down there anyway. I can't trust anybody in this family. And you know what? If I had my own money, I'd go on my own vacation. Alone. Without any of you guys. And I'd have the most fun in my whole life.
Kate McCallister: Well you got your wish last year. Maybe you'll get it again this year.
Kevin McCallister: I hope so!

Kevin McCallister: Howdy do. This is Peter McCallister, the father. I'd like a hotel room please, with an extra large bed, a TV, and one of those little refrigerators you have to open with a key. Credit card? You got it.

Kevin McCallister: I'm sorry. You wanted a tip.
Cedrick the Bellman: Umn, that won't be necessary, sir. I still have some
[Shows him wad of gum]
Cedrick the Bellman: tip left over.
Kevin McCallister: [pulls out a wad of cash] No tip? Okay.
Cedrick the Bellman: Uh, wait wait wait wait. Wait, wait.
[Kevin closes door]

Cedrick the Bellman: [presents a pair of boxers] Your drawers, sir.
Kevin McCallister: [grabs them] Geez! Don't flash these babies around here. There could be girls on this floor!
Cedrick the Bellman: I was very careful, sir.
Kevin McCallister: You can't be too careful when it involves underwear.
Cedrick the Bellman: I understand.

Waiter: Two scoops, sir?
Kevin McCallister: Two? Make it three. I'm not driving.

Gangster Johnny on TV: You was here last night too, wasn't ya?
Girl Gangster on TV: I was singing at the Blue Monkey last night.
Kevin McCallister: She was not. She was smooching with your brother.
Gangster Johnny on TV: You was here. And you was smoochin' with my brother.
Kevin McCallister: See?

Gangster Johnny on TV: Maybe I'm off my hinges, but I believe you. That's why I'm gonna let you go. I'm gonna give you to the count of three to get your lousy, lyin', low-down, four flushing carcass OUT my door! 1... 2...
[Fires Tommy gun, killing girl gangster]
Gangster Johnny on TV: 3. Merry Christmas, you filthy animal.
[fires again]
Gangster Johnny on TV: And a Happy New Year.
[Fires again]

Gangster Johnny on TV: Get down on your knees and tell me you love me.
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Um, everybody... On your knees...
[after pause]
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: I love you.
Gangster Johnny on TV: You gotta do better than that!
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge, Mrs. Stone, Desk Clerk, Cedrick the Bellman, Officer Cliff, Security Guard: I love you!

Gangster Johnny on TV: You was here, and you was smooching with my brother.
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: [after pause] I'm terrible sorry, sir, but I'm afraid you're mistaken.
Gangster Johnny on TV: Don't give me that. You been smooch with everybody! Snuffy, Al, Leo, Little Moe with the gimpy leg, Cheeks, Bony Bob, Cliff...
Officer Cliff: [Gasps' others stare at him in disgust] No! It's a lie.

Harry: [hears a loud rumbling] What's that sound?
[a tool chest bursts through the door, pinning Marv and Harry to the wall]
Marv: [congested] That was the sound of a tool chest falling down the stairs.
Harry: Oh.

Kevin McCallister: Boy, it's scary out there.
Cab Driver: [turns around to reveal his frightening face] Ain't much better in here, kid.
[Kevin gasps in horror and flees the cab]

Streetwalker #1: [to Kevin] Hey, lookin' for someone to read you a bedtime story? Ha ha ha ha.

Uncle Frank McCallister: [as the others look at their motel in disgust] Didn't look this bad on our honeymoon.

Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: You see that tree there? Well to show our appreciation for youtr generosity, I'm gonna let you select an object from that tree that you can take home with you.
Kevin McCallister: For free?
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: Oh yes. May I make a suggestion? Take the Turtle Doves.
Kevin McCallister: I can have two?
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: Well, two Turtle Doves. I'll tell you what you do: you keep one, and you give the other one to a very special person. You see, Turtle Doves are a symbol of friendship and love. And as long as each of you has your Turtle Dove, you'll be friends forever.
Kevin McCallister: Wow. I never knew that. I thought they were just part of a song.
Mr. E.F. Duncan, Owner Duncan's Toy Chest: They are. And for that very special reason.

Kevin McCallister: [staring at the Rockefellar Center tree] I know I don't deserve a Christmas, even if I did do a good deed. I don't want any presents. Instead, I want to take back every mean thing I ever said to my family. Even if they don't take back the things they said to me. I don't care. I love all of them... Including Buzz. I know it isn't possible to see them all. Could I just see my mother? I'll never want another thing as long as I live if I can just see my mother. I know I won't see her tonight, but promise me I can see her again. Sometime. Any time. Even if it's just once and only for a couple minutes. I just need to tell her I'm sorry.
Kate McCallister: Kevin?
Kevin McCallister: Mom?
[Turns back to the tree]
Kevin McCallister: Wow, that worked fast.

Buzz McCallister: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury... I'd like to apologize to my family for whatever displeasure I may have caused you...
Kevin McCallister: What?
Buzz McCallister: My prank was immature and ill-timed.
Uncle Frank McCallister: Immature or not, it was pretty gol-darn hilarious.
[Laughs; everyone else glares]
Buzz McCallister: I'd also like to apologize to my brother. Kevin, I'm sorry.

Uncle Frank McCallister: I know I shouldn't complain about a free trip, but geez you guys give the worst gol-darn wake up calls!

Kate McCallister: [counting passports] 11, 12, 13, 14... Where's Kevin?
Kevin McCallister: [appearing in front seat] Forteen. It's a good thing I have my own ticket just in case you guys try to ditch me.

Kate McCallister, Peter McCallister: [awakening late on morning of travel, again] We did it again! Aaah!

Harry: [while Harry and Marv are robbing Duncan's Toy Chest, Kevin takes their picture] He took our picture!
Marv: How'd my hair look?

Harry: Hey Marv, crow bars up.
[they clink their crow bars together]

Marv: [robbing Duncan's Toy Chest] This is more money than I can even count.
Harry: I don't know why we wasted so much time robbing private homes.
Marv: The amazing thins is: we're fugitives from the law, we're up to our elbows in cash, and there's nobody that even knows about it.
[Kevin taps on the window and waves]
Harry: He's back!

Harry: What store is going to make the most cash on Christmas eve that nobody's gonna think to rob?
Marv: Candy stores!
Harry: Nine year olds rob candy stores, Marv. This is what I had in mind.
[shows him an ad for Duncan's Toy Chest]
Marv: That's brilliant, Harry. Brilliant.
Harry: Yep. There's nobody dumb enough to knock off a toy store on Christmas eve.
Marv: Oh yes there is.
[Points to Harry, then points to self]

Harry: Sonny!
Kevin McCallister: Yes?
Harry: Nothing would thrill me more greatly than to shoot you. Knocking off a youngster ain't gonna mean all that much to me. Okay? But since we're in a hurry, I'll made a deal with you: you throw down your camera and we won't hurt you. You'll never hear from us again. Okay?
Kevin McCallister: You promise?
Harry: I cross my heart and hope to die.

Kevin McCallister: Oh no. My family is in Florida and I'm in New York...
Kevin McCallister: My family's in Florida... I'm in... New York.

Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: I do hope your father understands that last night I was simply checking the room to make sure everything was in order.
Kevin McCallister: Well he was pretty mad.
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: He was?
Kevin McCallister: He said he didn't come all the way to New York to get nis naked rear end spied on.

Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Cedrick.
Cedrick the Bellman: Yes?
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Don't count your tips in public.

Buzz McCallister: Okay, everybody, calm down! Calm down! Hey, hey! All right, now, if Kevin hadn't have screwed up in the first place again... Then we wouldn't be in this most perfect and huge hotel room with a truck load of all this free stuff. So I think it only fair that Kevin get to open up the first present. And then I'll go and the rest of you and so on.
[Tosses a package to Kevin]
Buzz McCallister: Merry Christmas, Kevin.
Kevin McCallister: Thanks, Buzz.
Peter McCallister: [the entire family applauds] Merry Christmas, Kevin.
Uncle Frank McCallister: Okay, Kevin! All right. Merry Christmas!
Buzz McCallister: Okay enough of this gooey sh... Show of emotion. All right, everyone, let's dig in!

Cedrick the Bellman: Mr. McCallister's room service bill, Sir. Merry Christmas.
[holds out hand meagerly]
Buzz McCallister: Oh, here.
[takes wad of gum out of his mouth and places it in Cedrick's outstretched hand]
Cedrick the Bellman: Nice family. Really.

Mrs. Stone, Desk Clerk: I'm confused.
Kevin McCallister: I'm traveling with my dad. He's at a meeting. I hate meetings. Plus I'm not allowed to go in. I can only sit in the lobby. That's boring. So he dropped me off here. He gave me his credit card and told me to give this to whoever was welcoming people in so I won't get into mischief. And ma'am sometimes I do get into mischief. We all do!

Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: And how are you this morning?
Kevin McCallister: Fine. Is my transportation here?
Mr. Hector, Hotel Concierge: Out in front sir. A limosuine and a piz-za! Compliments of the Plaza hotel.

Kate McCallister: Honey, are you packed yet?
Kevin McCallister: [records into Talk Boy] Yes.
Talk Boy: [plays back] Yes.
Kate McCallister: Everything I put out for you?
Kevin McCallister: [records into Talk Boy] Yes.
Talk Boy: [plays back] Yes.

Kate McCallister: Oh, did you see what Grandma Penelope sent you for the trip?
Kevin McCallister: Um, let me guess... Donald Duck slippers?
Kate McCallister: Close. An inflatable clown to play with in the pool.
Kevin McCallister: [sarcastically] How exciting.

Kevin McCallister: Why do we have to go to Florida? There's no Christmas trees in Florida.
Kate McCallister: Kevin, what is it with you and Christmas trees?
Kevin McCallister: How could you have Christmas without a Christmas tree, Mom?
Kate McCallister: Well... Find a nice, fake silver one. Or decorate a palm tree.

[in the basement, Marv built a tower out of assorted items]
Harry: Marv, are you sure this is safe?
Marv: Oh yes. I've worked all the kinks out. 'Solid as a rock.
[they climb up. Seconds later, it all comes crashing down]
Harry: Like a rock, huh Marv?

Marv: He made us hide out in the store so we could steal all the kiddies' charity money.
Harry: Shut up, Marv. You got the right to remain silent, you know.
Marv: He's a little cranky. We just broke out of prison a few days ago.
Harry: Shut up, Marv. Geez.
Policeman: Get'em outta here.
Marv: Remember, if this makes the papers, we're no longer the Wet Bandits. We're the Sticky Bandits.

Marv: I'm gonna murder that kid.

Marv: Let's kill.
Harry: Hold on peabrain. We got busted last time because we underestimated that little bundle of misery.
Marv: This ain't like the last time. This ain't his house. The kid's running scared. He ain't got a plan.
Harry: May I do the thinking please?

[Kevin walks in on Frank singing in the shower and frank sees him]
Uncle Frank McCallister: Get outta here, you nosey little pervert or i'm gonna slap you silly!
[Kevin runs away and frank continues singing]
Uncle Frank McCallister: Ohhh, you're cookin frankie!

Harry: [Harry and Marv have captured Kevin outside the Plaza hotel] We spent nine months in jail, thinking we had the worst luck in the universe. We were wrong, little buddy.
Marv: We're busted out of the klink and we're doing fine. We're going to be doing even better. Because we're not robbing houses anymore. Now we're robbing toy stores. At midnight tonight, we're hitting Duncan's Toy Chest. Five floors of cash. Then after that we get a couple of phony passports then it's off to Rio...
Harry: Marv! Marv! You want to shut up?
Marv: What's the difference? He's not going to talk to anyone. Except maybe a fish. Or the undertaker.

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