Other Quotes: Dr. No. Goldfinger Moonraker Thunderball A View To A Kill Diamonds are Forever From Russia With Love Never Say Never Again You Only Live Twice The Man With The Golden Gun The Living Daylights Stromberg: Well gentlemen, now that the moment has come to bid you farewell, I congratulate both you, Doctor, and you, Professor, on your brilliant work in the development of the submarine tracking system. Thanks primarily to you, I am happy to say that the first phase of our operation has met with considerable success. I have instructed my assistant to be paid into your Swiss bank account the sum of ten million dollars each. And that, I think, concludes our business. Before you go however, I very much regret to inform you that a dangerous development has recently been brought to my notice. Someone has been attempting to sell the plans of our tracking project to competing world powers; someone intimately associated with the project. James Bond: Which bullet has my name on it? The first or the last? Major Anya Amasova: I have never failed on a mission commander! James Bond: Then one of us is bound to be gravely disappointed, 'cause neither have I. James Bond: Oh, thanks for deserting me back there. Major Anya Amasova: Every woman for herself, remember? James Bond: Well, you did save my life. Thank you. Major Anya Amasova: We all make mistakes, Mr. Bond. Q: Now I want you to take good care of this equipment. James Bond: Have I ever let you down, Q? Q: Frequently! James Bond: When one is in Egypt, one should delve deeply into its treasures. M: Miss Moneypenny, where is 007 now? Moneypenny: He's on a mission sir. In Austria. M: Well, tell him to pull out. Immediately!
[scene cuts to Bond making love to a woman] Log Cabin Girl: But James, I need you! James Bond: So does England! Major Anya Amasova: What happened to Kalba? James Bond: He was cut off - permanently. Hotel Receptionist: I have a message for you. James Bond: I think you just delivered it.
[The motorcycle henchmen flies off a cliff in a cloud of feathers] James Bond: All those feathers and he still can't fly! James Bond: Then how about a nightcap on the company? My company. James Bond: Mmm, maybe I misjudged Stromberg. Any man who drinks Dom Perignon '52 can't be all bad. Sheikh Hoseim: Can I offer you something? Dates? Sheep's eyes? Vodka martini? James Bond: His name's Jaws, he kills people.
[after structure falls on Jaws] James Bond: Egyptian builders! James Bond: He just dropped in for a quick bite.