Other Quotes:
Dr. No.
A View To A Kill
Diamonds are Forever
From Russia With Love
Never Say Never Again
The Man With The Golden Gun
The Spy Who Loved Me
The Living Daylights
[Kissy says she will be sleeping elsewhere. Bond shoves his oyster dinner aside.]
James Bond: Well, I won't need these.

Helga Brandt: I've got you now.
James Bond: Well enjoy yourself.

[About to make love to Helga Brandt]
James Bond: Oh the things I do for England.

Aki: I think I will enjoy very much serving under you.

Aki: You wouldn't touch that horrible woman, would you?
James Bond: Oh heaven forbid.

[Coded message to headquarters.]
James Bond: Little Nelly got a hot reception. Four big shots made improper advances toward her, but she defended her honor with great success.

Russian Diplomat: The world knows we are a peace-loving people.

Tiger Tanaka: It can save your life, this cigarette.

Blofeld: I shall look forward personally to exterminating you, Mr. Bond.

Blofeld: The firing power inside my crater is enough to annihilate a small army. You can watch it all on TV. It's the last program you're likely to see.
James Bond: Well, if I'm gonna be forced to watch television, may I smoke?
Blofeld: Yes. Give him his cigarettes. It won't be the nicotine that kills you, Mr. Bond.

Blofeld: Goodbye, Mr. Bond!

Blofeld: Kill Bond! Now!

James Bond: If you're Tanaka, then how do you feel about me?
Tiger Tanaka: Why I... love you.

Blofeld: James Bond. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Ernst Stavro Blofeld. They told me you were assassinated in Hong Kong.
James Bond: Yes, this is my second life.
Blofeld: You only live twice, Mr. Bond.

Tiger Tanaka: Permit me to introduce myself. I am Tanaka. Please call me Tiger.
James Bond: If you're Tanaka, then how do you feel about me?
Tiger Tanaka: [the code response] I... love you.
James Bond: Well, I'm glad we got that out of the way.

[Being bathed by Tanaka's women.]
Tiger Tanaka: You know what it is about you that fascinates them, don't you? It's the hair on your chest. All Japanese men have beautiful bare skin.
James Bond: Ancient Japanese proverb, "Bird never make nest in bare tree."

[James is in bed with a Chinese woman]
James Bond: Why do Chinese girls taste different from all other girls?
Chinese Girl: You think we better, huh?
James Bond: No, just different. Like Peking Duck is different from Russian Caviar.
Chinese Girl: Darling, I give you very best duck.

[Choosing a masseuse.]
James Bond: If it's all the same to you, I'll just take this little old lady here.
Tiger Tanaka: Good choice, she's very sexyful.

[Bond is caught trying to enter the SPECTRE spacecraft.]
Blofeld: You made a mistake, my friend. No astronaut would enter the capsule carrying his air conditioner.

[Bond is about to have his chest waxed so he can pass for Japanese]
James Bond: Couldn't you just dye the parts that show?

Tiger Tanaka: Rule number one: never do anything yourself when someone else can do it for you.
James Bond: And rule two?
Tiger Tanaka: Rule number two: in Japan, men come first, women come second.
James Bond: I just might retire here.

Tiger Tanaka: My mother told me never to get into a car with a strange girl. But you it seems Bond-san will get into anything with any girl.

MoneyPenny: Oh, by the way, how was the girl?
James Bond: (turns the lamp towards her, interrogation style) Which girl?
MoneyPenny: The...uh...Chinese one we set you up with?
James Bond: Another few minutes and I would have found out.

Chinese Government men: But this is extortion!
Blofeld: Extortion...is my business.

Blofeld: As you can see, I'm going to inaugurate a little war.

Henderson: That was stirred, not shaken?
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Quotes from
You Only Live Twice (1967)