Other Quotes: Dr. No. Goldfinger Moonraker Thunderball A View To A Kill From Russia With Love Never Say Never Again You Only Live Twice The Man With The Golden Gun The Spy Who Loved Me The Living Daylights M: We do function in your absence, Commander.
[To Tiffany while he's in bed with her] James Bond: Presumably I'm the condemned man and obviously you're the hearty breakfast. Mr. Wint: The scorpion. Mr. Kidd: One of nature's finest killers, Mr. Wint. Mr. Wint: One is never too old to learn from a master, Mr. Kidd.
[After sealing Bond in a coffin and conveying him into a crematorium's furnace.] Mr. Wint: Very moving. Mr. Kidd: Heartwarming, Mr. Wint. Mr. Wint: A glowing tribute, Mr. Kidd. Sir Donald Munger: Tell me, Commander, how far does your expertise extend into the field of diamonds? James Bond: Well, hardest substance found in nature, they cut glass, suggest marriages, I suppose it replaced the dog as the girl's best friend. That's about it. M: Refreshing to hear that there is one subject you're not an expert on! Blofeld: The satellite is now over... Kansas. Well, if we blow up Kansas the world may not hear about it for years. Mr. Kidd: If God had wanted man to fly ... Mr. Wint: ...He would have given him wings, Mr. Kidd. Mr. Kidd: Well, they're aboard, and I must say, Miss Case is quite lovely.
[Mr. Wint glares at him] Mr. Kidd: ...For a woman.
[Tiffany Case opens the door almost nude] Tiffany Case: I'll finish dressing. James Bond: Oh please don't, not on my account. Felix Leiter: I give up. I know the diamonds are in the body, but where? James Bond: Alimentary, my dear Leiter... Driver: The stiff, ehm, the deceased back there... Your brother, Mr. Franks? James Bond: Yes, it was. Passenger: I got a brother. James Bond: Small world. Plenty O'Toole: Hi, I'm Plenty. James Bond: But of course you are. Plenty O'Toole: Plenty O'Toole. James Bond: Named after your father perhaps?
[James Bond is lucky with the dice while gambling] Plenty O'Toole: You handle those cubes like a monkey handles coconuts. James Bond: That's a nice little nothing you're almost wearing.
[Plenty O'Toole is thrown out of the window by some goons perhaps from the 10th floor, and lands in the middle of the hotel's swimming pool] James Bond: [looking down] Exceptionally fine shot. Goon: I didn't know there was a pool down there.
[A couple of oil workers open a hatch down to the oil pipe, and James Bond comes up to their surprise] James Bond: Thank you very much. I was just out walking my RAT and seem to have lost my way... James Bond: Good morning, gentlemen. ACME pollution inspection. We're cleaning up the world, we thought this was a suitable starting point. James Bond: Weren't you a blonde when I came in? Tiffany Case: Could be. James Bond: I tend to notice little things like that -- whether a girl is a blonde or a brunette.
[To a rat.] James Bond: Well, one of us smells like a tart's handkerchief.
[sniffs] James Bond: I'm afraid it's me. Sorry, old boy. Sir Donald Munger: You have been on holiday, I understand. Relaxing, I hope? James Bond: Oh, hardly relaxing, but most satisfying. James Bond: Pity about your liver, sir. Unusually fine Solera. '51, I believe. M: There is no year for sherry, 007. James Bond: I was referring to the original vintage on which the sherry is based, sir. 1851, unmistakable. Sir Donald Munger: Precisely. Mr. Wint: Curious, how everyone who touches those diamonds seems to die. James Bond: What can I bring you back from Holland? Miss Moneypenny: A diamond? In a ring? James Bond: Would you settle for a tulip?
[Bond leaves] Miss Moneypenny: Mm, yes. Tiffany Case: Listen, you can drop me off at the next corner. This whole thing is getting a little out of hand. No regrets, but when you start stealing moon machines from Willard Whyte, GOOD bye and GOOD Luck! James Bond: Just relax, I have a friend named Felix who can fix anything. Tiffany Case: Is he married?
[After being pulled over by the sherriff] Tiffany Case: [sarcastically] Relax, you've got a friend named Felix who can fix anything. James Bond: Unfortunately, so can Willard Whyte. Blofeld: You're showing a bit more cheek than usual Miss Case.
[The guards take her to a cell] Blofeld: Too bad, such nice cheeks too... Blofeld: Press 'L' Mr. Bond, the word 'Lobby' begins with 'L'.
[Plenty O'Toole is found face down in a swiming pool] Tiffany Case: She's... James Bond: Dead. Supposed to be you. The next link in the "pipeline". Tiffany Case: What are you talking about?! James Bond: Poor Plenty must have stumbled in here looking for you. Tiffany Case: I don't believe you! James Bond: A dentist is dead in South Africa. That little old lady, in Amsterdam. Shady got his last night. They've missed me once. And you're next. Now, who's your connection? Tiffany Case: You sound like a cop- James Bond: Who's your connection!? Tiffany Case: All I know, is voices on the phone. They got me this place and told me to wait for further instructions. James Bond: You'll find that rather difficult to hear underwater.
[Bond tastes the Mouton Rothschild wine served] James Bond: The wine is quite excellent. Although for such a grand meal I would have expected a claret. Mr. Wint: But of course. Unfortunately our cellar is poorly stocked with clarets. James Bond: Mouton Rothschild IS a claret. And, I've smelled that aftershave on you before and both times I've smelled a rat.