Alice: The boy... is he dead, too? Tierney: Who? Alice: The boy. Jason. Tierney: Jason? Alice: In the lake, the one... the one who attacked me... the one who pulled me underneath the water. Tierney: Ma'am, we didn't find any boy. Alice: But... then he's still out there.
Pamela Voorhees: Why I'm... I'm Mrs. Voorhees, an old friend of the Christy's. Bill: If this is a joke, I'm gonna brain em'. Brenda: Just wait until he lands on my old Kentucky home! Bill: More beer? More Beer! Crazy Ralph: You're all doomed! Pamela Voorhees: Jason was my son and today is his birthday...
[While Playing Strip Monopoly] Bill: Baltic Avenue. Alice: No one ever lands on Baltic Avenue. Bill: I think it's a pretty color. I'll buy it.
[Bill rolls and lands on Baltic Avenue] Bill: Ha! Baltic Avenue! You owe me one boot. Alice: Alice draws first blood. Brenda: That's a terrible way to talk about my feet. Crazy Ralph: You're going to Camp Blood ain't ya? It's got a death curse. Bill: You think you're gonna last all summer? Alice: I'm not sure I'll last all week. Pamela Voorhees: You know a boy drowned the year before those two others were killed? The counsellors weren't paying any attention...They were making love while that poor boy drowned. His name was Jason. Ned: He neglected to mention that downtown they call this place Camp Blood.