Quotes from Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday (1993)
Randy: Get in the car, Steven. Steven Freeman: Why should I? Randy: I've got a gun. Steven Freeman: Fuck that, I've got a gun. Assistant Coroner: [to Jason's body] Hey fuck! Hiya doin ya fat-ass maggoty blown-up fuck! Suck this!
[gives Jason's body the finger] Assistant Coroner: Suck it! You know what I'd like to do to you? I'd like to take a crap right on your fuckin mask! A big old mango-sized crap! Steven Freeman: Duke! The part about being reborn through a living woman, does it have to be a living woman? Creighton Duke: No... Steven Freeman: Duke, that thing is in the basement with Jessica's dead mother! Creighton Duke: Holy mother of God... Security Guard #2: Say, Doc! What's the verdict? Is Jason gonna be gettin' up and walkin' around any time soon? Security Guard #1: We really nailed that fucker. Security Guard #2: He was nothing but a big old pussy anyway. Jessica: Joey, please, just let me get the baby and we'll go. Joey B: Shut the fuck up! You're with a fucking felon! Pookie: Hey, Baby, watch the language. Joey B: Fuck you!
[Jessica tries to grab the gun, causing it to misfire and hit the lights] Joey B: Now look what you fucking done! Jessica: GIVE ME THE BABY, JOEY! Joey B: FUCK YOU! Robert Campbell: I'm going to say a couple of words to you and I want you to say the first thing that comes into your mind. Creighton Duke: Okay. Robert Campbell: Jason Voorhees. Creighton Duke: That makes me think of a little girl in a pink dress sticking a hot dog through a doughnut.
[After witnessing Jason being blown up and the FBI thinking he's finally dead] Creighton Duke: I don't think so. Creighton Duke: Through a Voorhees was he born... through a Voorhees may he be reborn... and only by the hands of a Voorhees will he die. Coroner: [Into a tape recorder] My professional opinion: this guy's deader than shit. Ha ha ha ha ha. Um, strike that last comment from the record. Creighton Duke: I'll have a Voorhees burger and a side of Jason fingers. Sheriff: That's my girl you're talking about. Creighton Duke: She's only your girl 'cause she ain't had a taste of the Duke yet. Luke: We're going to Camp Crystal Lake. Steven Freeman: Oh yeah? Planning on smoking a little dope, having a little premarital sex, and getting slaughtered?